Mike Vick as the "Deer Hunter"

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by whobedis, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. whobedis

    whobedis New Member

    Jun 22, 2005
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    nexttogodscountry IN
    Ok Vick cops a plea to the dog fighting rap....well shades of OJ now I'm reading crap from an NBA player and the head of the Naacp in Atlanta that dogfighting is just like deer hunting and is a sport. Well it's time to set the record straight for those who think it is a sport....if you have to watch an animal die fighting for your entertainment well pard you're one sick mf'er with definite sexuall problems. I've many friends who hunt and the meat they bring home is eaten. I myself haven't hunted in years but I still enjoy going up to deer camp a couple of times during the season and listen to the lies and eating some darn good grub...and yes drinking a few beers.....there is no way there is a comparison between the two. I guess once again the "race card" is going to be played....BS
  2. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Comments llike that from high profile blacks set the race back another 50 years.
  3. HoustonLarry

    HoustonLarry New Member

    Jun 5, 2001
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    <t>What is it that most people find so shocking about the Michael Vick dog fighting case? I think it boils down to plain cruelty. Here is a man with everything in life: money, talent, and fame, yet he is pleading guilty to orchestrating a vile business of making a buck through animal cruelty for cruelty’s sake. Some have actually objected to the public outrage, citing the “hypocrisy” of hunting or claiming racial persecution, but these attempts are unconvincing. There was simply nothing of any redeeming value going on at Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels, and no spin can mask that. But that has not stopped some from trying.<br/>
    “I think it’s tough,” [the New York Knick’s Stephon] Marbury said, according to Albany TV station Capital News 9. “I think, you know, we don’t say anything about people who shoot deer or shoot other animals. You know, from what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It’s just behind closed doors.”<br/>
    In other words, white folks go maim deer all the time, so why should this poor black quarterback be hauled before a judge for having some fun with his dogs? Unfortunately, Mr. Marbury, this argument is less than compelling. Hunting is an activity rooted in the basic human need for sustenance and, believe it or not, something that occurs naturally among wild animals. Human-orchestrated dog fighting, on the other hand, is an activity rooted in cruelty for cruelty’s sake. But of course, the Vick case is really just The Man taking a brother down.<br/>
    “I think it’s tough that we build Michael Vick up and then we break him down,” Marbury said. “I think he’s one of the superb athletes, and he’s a good human being. I just think that he fell into a bad situation.”<br/>
    After he “falls into” this “bad situation,” is this the sort of thing to which a “good human being” pleads guilty, Mr. Marbury?<br/>
    In the indictment’s most harrowing parts, federal investigators describe what happened to some Bad Newz Kennels dogs that either lost matches or did not perform well in test fights. After a March 2003 loss by a female pit bull, codefendant Purnell Peace, “after consulting with Vick,” electrocuted the animal. In April, prosecutors allege, Vick, Peace, and Quanis Phillips, “executed approximately 8 dogs that did not perform well in ‘testing’ sessions.” These animals, the indictment claims, were killed “by various methods, including hanging, drowning, and slamming at least one dog’s body to the ground.”<br/>
    Hey, it’s just a sport. One can only hope that Mr. Marbury does not own any dogs.</t>
  4. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Marbury is an idiot. Anybody that has followed his career from afar and the sideshow that goes with it can attest to that. Vick and his neanderthal homies aren't worth the spit the animal rights activists direct at them as they come and go from court.
  5. Tailback

    Tailback Guest

    I don't see a comparison between the two either. I have no problem with deer hunting. I do think there's more to it than just the meat. It's the joy of killing something that a lot of guys get a kick out of. I read a comment that made a little bit of sense, If you ruled out killing a buck, How many would still hunt deer? How this is related to Vick, I have no idea?
  6. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Apple Valley, CA
    PHOENIX — Deputies searching the home of rapper DMX during an investigation into claims of animal cruelty found about a half-pound of suspected illegal narcotics, the Maricopa County sheriff said Saturday.

    No charges have been filed or arrests made. Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the investigation into alleged animal cruelty was ongoing, and the suspected drugs were being tested to confirm their content.

    Friday's search was prompted by reports that pit bulls kept by the rapper at the home in rural north Phoenix were not being given enough food or water. A dozen pit bulls were seized, the bodies of three dogs were dug up in the yard and a variety of assault-style weapons were taken from the home, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said.

    DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons, was not at home and his lawyer said he hasn't been there for two months.

    Arizona Sheriff's Deputies Raid Home of Rapper DMX, Seize Pit Bulls Arpaio said there was no indication the dogs were used in fights.

    Reached Saturday, attorney Murray Richman said he had no knowledge of any narcotics. The dogs were looked after by a caretaker and "all sorts of people" had been staying at the home, Richman said.

    "Why doesn't the sheriff call me?" Richman said. "I spoke to him yesterday — and rather than make these allegations in the press why doesn't he call me?"

    Arpaio said witnesses placed the 36-year-old rapper at the home within the past three weeks, but Richman insisted that he has not been there for 2 months.

    The weapons are being checked to see if they are legal, the sheriff said. Richman said Simmons has no felony convictions that would prohibit him from owning weapons.

    In 2002, Simmons pleaded guilty to animal cruelty, disorderly conduct and possession of drug paraphernalia in New Jersey. Police said they found pipes for smoking crack cocaine, a pistol and 13 pit bulls at his home in 1999.

    His albums include "It's Dark and Hell Is Hot" and "Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood" and "Year of the Dog ... Again."
  7. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Howell Twp. NJ
    I'm detecting a trend here...
  8. whobedis

    whobedis New Member

    Jun 22, 2005
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    nexttogodscountry IN
    tell us more "Captain Obvious"! :lol: <just yankin yer chain George) On another board there was a link to ome u-tube interview with an NFL player Portias(?) where to paraphrase in his neck of the woods dog fighting was very common.

    TB I can't speak for all the hunters and even all myfriends who hunt but I don't think the thrill of killing plays as big of a part as you may think. Then again I will say the hunt for a "trophy buck" does play a part to some but you see these guys use bows or black powder and don't go in for the "canned hunts" Just wondering....do you fish?
  9. Tailback

    Tailback Guest

    whobethis, Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against deer hunting. Yes I fish every now and then. I think it's the challenge that man enjoys. It's man against nature.