Good for him and it's good for baseball. They need to have all the guys who took them step forward and admit that they took them. Those that won't should be outed. A side benefit might be the baseball writers maybe getting behind him being in the HOF someday.
That's great to hear. He's always going to get the questions, but now he doesn't have to hide it. PJ in Jersey
McGuire used steroids? Unbelievable! What's this world coming to. Next thing you know, someone will accuse Sammy Sosa of using them too. :roll:
The guys an asshole Bill. Of all the world class arrogant prick's GOD put in Baseball, he was the Commandant of them all.
I'll remember McGwire for his humiliating performance before Congress. To me, he is the biggest phony of them all.
More so than Arod? I find that hard to believe. I'm not suggesting for a NY second that MM is a better person, but he did not lie. He evaded answering the question, but he did not lie. All the conversation I'm hearing from respected baseball analysts says that MM will never get into the HoF and that his situation sets the precedent for all steroid-era HoF candidates who come after him, including Arod. It will be many years before we see if the current conjecture becomes reality.
He's still lying, Sid. He still insists that he took steroids for therapeutic reasons and that they had no effect on his talent or performance. He's pathetic. I don't think any of the cheatin' bastards should get in..... McWire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens, A-Rod, Palmiero etc. Their records are meaningless. I heard a guy interviewed today that sold these roids to a lot of big leaguers through the 90's and into this decade and now has a book out. He claims there are some roid abusers in the HOF already and estimates that as many as 75% of players used them at some point. He also predicts that Clemens may do time before he's done. Caminiti, Dykstra, Brett Boone, Giambi, Brady Anderson........
You are right, George. I stand corrected. Having slept a couple of nights since his admission, I see the issue more clearly. I agree with you that the HOF candidates from the steroid era who were known steroid users should not get in. One respected baseball analyst on ESPN believes that McGwire's lack of sufficient votes sets the precedent for what will happen to all the known users when they become eligible, even Arod. Of course, it will be many years before it's known if this will be the case. Here is an interesting article from the Chicago Tribune: McGwire is no Kelli White
The irony here, Sid, is that many of these guys did not need chemical enhancements to excel or to qualify for the HOF. Now they should have to buy a ticket to get in.