well well a man with a gun kills 13 today...or more! Damn if this was Texas someone would have blown him away.
Well it is a tragic occurence of course, but would it have changed your mind if after he shot a few peoplem, an armed (legally) citizen shot him dead before he could harm any more people?
Tell you what T T. Looks like I hit a "tender spot" without meaning to. Fine ,I wont talk about it anymore. In fact, I wont talk at all.
News flash for both of you! Not everyone agrees with your respective opinions. You both feel strongly about your positions on this. I have an opinion too. I'm not sure that there is an absolute correct answer to this but JIF should not have to be banned from posting his opinion nor should he feel that he is not welcome because of it. Unless there is a rulebook here that I'm unaware of.
It's called debate , Tom. That's guaranteed in the Constitution as well. And nobody is slandering it. I resent that implication.
I apologize George and this isn't even my discussion but I fail to see the degree of relevance that you see in this story where it applies to the discussion. You would ban every citizen from having guns because of the actions of a limited minority. It's unfortunate that anyone ever has to lose their life because of senseless violence but do you think we should make alcohol illegal because one of the leading causes of death in our nation is directly related to an irresponsible minority that drinks and then gets behind the wheel on a regular basis? And another thing; I've often repeated a statement you made a few days ago that I think showed a tremendous amount of insight into what is happening in our country right now when you said, "everyday we wake up with less freedom than we had the day before." Yet here, in this case, you seem to be a proponent of taking away a right of this nation's citizens that we've held dear since this country's establishment. That just doesn't make sense.
Again, this is not an all or nothing equation as you guys seem to want to frame it. In both of these cases the shooter was apprently using registered weapons, completely legal and without "criminal" history. Their neighbors and friends express shock; hell, they we're both great guys. Deep in their makeup they were really only psychotic, homocidal losers but the permit process did not catch that. Now this morning we learn that a father has murdered himself and his five kids. What will his pathetic story be? I have no interest in taking your guns... I just don't want to be around them. I see no need for them.
I don't know if I agree with qualifying ALL people who snap and do those things as psychopaths or losers. I think that everyone on some level, if presented with the right circumstances, are capable of terrible things. That doesn't excuse it. Their legacies are forever tainted, as it should be. Sometimes, **** happens.
Just because a firearm was legally bought and registered does not mean the owner is licensed to carry that gun outside his home. Anyone without a criminal background can buy a gun. The licensing process allows you to legally carry a gun in most places. And the anticle you posted said nothing about this gentleman having a concealed handgun license. Unfortunately, this economic crisis is putting lots of people in to a mental state of panic that is bringing all kinds of unknown problems to the surface. Saying that a person should not legally own a gun because of these unknown potential mental issues is like saying a person should not eat shrimp because some people are deathly allergic to seafood. I know the folks opposing guns will say these are not the same thing. But the principle is. If we live our lives by what might happen, we will exist too scared to live.
I am so sorry to have offended the people around here that are so scared of people defending their constitutional right to defend themselves. I have removed my extremely offensive posts and will do so for others that request it. Never again will I share anything controversial with this group. I have other forums that believe in the constitution and believe in defending that constitution. I will discuss these issues with them!
I didn't say that I was offended. I am pro-gun. I was just taking exception to the label put on some of these folks who snap.