I think Ralph will enjoy this story... I particularly enjoy LSUfreek's cartoon http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday...ystery-of-randy-edsalls-chase-story-explained
Ha,ha,ha.........Welcome to Belle Glade Florida land of the Muck Luckers and on the outer edge of society as we know it where the sugar cane grows...I can only imagine the pinching that went on in the rental car seat as this was going on... Makes me wonder if this is what he saw in the mirror...
I read that pretty funny, but I am pretty sure but that if I was the one in the car I would have been pretty frightened.
Me too. Even with the firepower I would have in tow, I have now illusion of being safe in south Florida.
You guys need to get the picture of Belle Glade in your thought process. If there is a place as far away from civilization Belle Glade is being used as an example. Nothing but canals on both sides of the roads (gator infested of course) and the description of roads is stretching it a bit. Imagine one and a half lane roads that are used as two way traffic with pot holes that swallow anything smaller than a F-350. Beyond the gator infested canals is nothing but muck planted with sugar cane as far as the eye can see. Go around a corner and more sugar cane with no power lines, cell towers or any resemblance to humanity. This could be labeled upper S. Florida but nobody in S. Florida has ever been to Belle Glade or really given it much thought. It's about 2 hours North of the Miami area that pretty much dominates everything from Homestead to Boca Raton but a world apart from good ole Belle Glade... As with any other rural area in America driving by the one and only hot spot in town (Burger King) gets old after twenty or thirty times and so you head outside the city limit and screw with any vehicles that doesn't have one of your cousins riding inside it....