Yeah, I saw that. It seems that all of the primary candidates have signed new contracts. It will be interesting to see what happens now. There are a lot of pundits saying that Saban could still go to Texas, and technically they are correct. He has no buyout at Alabama. I just don't believe he would do that, but we shall see. 8)
I posted that around 7pm last night on my Facebook page. The manager at the Round Rock Outback Steakhouse announced it over the intercom. Phil Fulmer and Lame Kitten are available.
He might have. I pretty sure Brown sees this whole thing as pretty much disrespectful. After all he won one NC and would without a doubt have won another one if Colt McCoy had not gotten hurt :wink: and then the Texas movers and shakers hang him out in the wind like what has been going on for the last month or so. I'm sure he doesn't feel like he owes them much. :shock:
I don't know but I'm pretty worn out with all the drama that has gone on around the program. Mack is in the top 10 all-time wins just behind Lou Holtz and he has a better winning % than Lou. From 2000-2009 he won more games and a Nat'l Title than any other coach in college football. But 2010 on very mediocre with questionable hires for staff, he should have fired Manny Diaz after last season. Inspite of being a great recruiter he allowed himself to be in QB hell after Colt McCoy graduated, he had 1 guy that everything was pinned on and when he didn't pan out he had nothing...the ND QB situation was an upgrade over what Mack had on hand. I understand that QB's is tough to evaluate, and all but he blew it badly. It's too bad that it had to go down this way, he did a lot for the program. This is so much like the Bobby Bowden situation at FSU that it's not funny. He's only 62, if he wants he could still coach some place but it wouldn't likely be a place like UT.
Here's the thing... When Mack Brown was at North Carolina, his teams were always the bridesmaids in the ACC. They had incredible amounts of talent, but just couldn't get over the hump to win it all. He had brain fart games. At times, they appeared to lack development and instruction. They were incredibly talented though. He goes to Texas, which is just recruiting heaven for a coach. At Texas, his teams are even more talented than they were at North Carolina. However, the problems with his teams never seemed to be any different than they were at North Carolina. They were just more talented. I'm really not sure how good of an in-game coach Mack Brown is/was, but one thing is for sure, he is/was one hell of a recruiter.
Can you win more games in a 10 year span, and a National Championship and a should have been Nat'l Championship...on sheer recruiting prowess?
Also at UNC where he started something like 2-20 and finished with back to back 10 win seasons. As Corey noted he built that program with great recruiting, he never could get by Bobby Bowden who wasa at his peak during that time and FSU was absolutely loaded with talent every year. Bowden also during that time frame had great coordinators. So I give Mack a pass on never winning an ACC Championship. At Texas there is also a dearth of B12 championships, and that's mainly due to the presence of Bob Stoops at OU. Stoops is clearly a better coach than Mack, he recruited just as well and his teams were tougher. Mack will end up in the College HOF, in his prime he was one of the top 5 or 10 coaches in college, he's not Lou Holtz, or Stoops or Spurrier. But he won a lot of games. I'm glad he decided to retire/step down. It was time and as I said it was way too much like the last few years of Bobby Bowden...except Bowden was still going strong at 62, it wasn't till he was in his 70's and had lost and not replaced all his good coordinators that it all went south for Bowden.
Things happen and team lose because of them. That loss of Colt McCoy was critical for several reasons...he had no backup, he was our top runner, he was one of the most accurate throwers in college losing him was a big reason why you won. It wasn't one of those 1 play (lucky or not) things where the ball bounces right for the team that wins, sort of like that Ark QB who was just running out the clock on the upset of Tenn but dropped the ball, literally dropped the ball wasn't hit or anything just dropped the ball. He doesn't do that and Tenn doesn't play for and win the Nat'l Title. It was a devestating injury to the most important player on the squad. Everybody knows Mack would have retired if he'd won and Will Muschamp would have taken over as HC....of course by now he'd have been fired!
Interesting article on Mack's Press Conference.
Terry, that's the great thing about those types of games. The losing team makes those statements and that's it. How does one prove them wrong? I mentioned in another thread that I think Texas beat Oklahoma that year by 3 points and the Oklahoma qb (I forget his name but I think he was pretty good) got hurt, ergo Oklahoma should have won that game and then Texas would not have even been in the NC game. So maybe it was just karma. :wink: Oh well at least Saban's going be the Texas coach now and you can get another shot at the NC. :wink: :wink:
Well I'm sure we could go back through the 2009 Alabama season and find a game that they got a break of some kind that allowed them to win. But in that one game you guys got a huge break. You are correct that all I can do is speculate (and a biased one at that). But I believe we would have won with Colt, but we didn't. I also think that if we hadn't lost our #1 RB before the game and our #1 QB during the game that the '66 game with Mich State wouldn't have ended in a tie..but of course it didn't and that's that. Hell if Tom Clements doesn't complete a big pass to a little known/used TE named Robin Weber maybe you guys would have won the '73 Nat'l Championship in the Sugar Bowl.
I rest my case, these things happen all of the time. It's just that this one instance is brought up quite a bit. 8)
......and if we hadn't let Bama run over us like a semi on an interstate, we could have been the 2012 National Champs!
Mack not a good game day coach? Didn't he win a NC against an invincible PAC 10 team with a QB who, at best, would have been lucky to be a third string tight end at any PAC 10 school...