I have to believe the Golden and Miami are using the same strategy, even though at this point in time they are not under any sanctions.
USC makes me enjoy football more these days. I now have 13 favorite teams! Tennessee and whoever is playing Lame Kiffin.
Oh hell if it's good enough for USC run with it... Terry, you may be right, we did recruit 33 total this year with 9 going on early enrollment on last years tab. Golden has said that Miami will have 80 scholarships this year instead of the allotted 85. I don't see us redshirting many this year though and I believe the plan is to prepare for the upcoming NCAA ruling of anticipated scholarship reductions by having as many enrolled as possible but still make a preemptive attempt to look good by lowering down to 80...? He also removes Shannons recruits and puts his in place...v But then again it does sound exactly like what USC is doing...