a rumor somewhere about this....dismissed it entirely and now SI is reporting it as true. Big Breaking News..... ESPN now reporting it as well. Can't believe what a short stay......Tenn fans must be a little shocked and disgruntled at the same time.
Looks to be true... I WAS a big LK fan liking what he was doing at Tennessee. I hope the son of a bi$ch falls flat on his face. He is taking Monte and Orgeron with him. Kippy Brown is interim head coach. He would be my choice for Head Coach at this point. Media briefing at 21:30 eastern
Oh my gosh, I have ESPN on DVR because I was walking the dog and I just saw this and came to see if anyone has posted. I am shocked, for several reasons, not the least of which is why would he want to go to USC with the NCAA about to come down on him.
Not at all. I hope he rots on the vine waiting for USC to get off probation. Bye bye a$$hole. Don't let the door whack you where the good Lord cracked ya!
I certainly understand how you feel Tom and in your shoes would feel exactly the same way. I just don't understand it.
I really hoped they would hire one of their first choices because I was afraid if they got to Kiffin, he would go. It's unfortunate but I thought he would take the job if offered. Back to square one for Tennessee fans and I'm betting that some recruits will be going with him. Bad few months for Tennessee fans and then when things were looking up with the basketball team...this happens. Possible candidates??? What do you guys think? I think Petersen from Boise St. would be an excellent choice. I thought maybe Coach Orgeron would be promoted but he's going too. Gonna be tough to salvage things at this point in recruiting.
Kippy Brown! I want someone that wants to be at Tennessee so that we can build something up! Whoever gets it, Hamilton, you better have a clause in it that eliminates crap like this.
It's going to be a very difficult spot for anyone like Peterson to come in. I'm not sure you will get a high profile coach like him. Might be better to stick it out with the interim what you can next season and then line someone of high caliber up by Dec. in order to get the best recruits possible. I don't see any recovery in this year's recruiting from this news bomb.
Aquila, I think what Tom said about someone who wants to be at Tennessee. If Kiffin did this now he would have done it later for another opportunity. Tennessee is good place to coach and you will get a good one.
I've just gotten home from a meeting, and to say I'm shocked is an understatement. While I thought that USC would look to both Sarkesian and Kiffin I thought both would stick with their current schools for a couple of reasons. First being that they had only been there a year and second that following a legend, esp with the probation on tap would make them want to be the guy who followed the guy! I don't know anything about Kippy Brown, but I doubt if Chris Peterson will leave Boise for Tenn. He seems to be very tied into that community and has a nice thing going for him. I disagree though that the best course would be to appoint an interim and then wait till next year. It will kill recruiting, kids want to know who they are going to play for as a Vol. Guys are out there, and the Vols need to find out who is interested and go after him.
Wow... Sorry Tom... although it may be for the best at Tenn in the end. I hope the NCAA drops the hammer on USC. :x
Students greet kiffin with obscenities I would suggest he get his pansy arse out of the State of Tennessee very quickly. There are some good ole boys that will do more than shout obscenities. Get out of here you edited. You know it is bad when you have to edit your own freekin posts!
Hey at least he told his players. Alabama had a guy that just left. No goodbye to the team, nothing. It's not much but it's something.
If I were Tenn I would put in a call to Will Muschamp. He's the Texas DCoord who is the "coach in waiting" at Texas. But with Mack Brown not giving any indication that he has a time table for retirement, and Tenn being a prime SEC job he might be interested. I'd also call the Utah coach Kyle Whittingham, that guy is a good coach. I'd call Randy Edsall of UConn as well.
There is an upside to all this. The group of people who hate USC just grew en masse. That's always a good thing to me Tom, Seriously though.. sorry about all this. You will be better for it in the end.
I read that (some) Vol players tried to confront him as he left the press conference. This could get ugly.
Any chance Tenn would give Fulmer another shot? Sure, it didn't end well, but he has an excellent all time coaching record... RTR
Apparently, LK's the new Dennis Erickson. We'll see how this plays out for him down the road, but I don't have a good feeling. Tennessee is a destination, not a stepping stone.