Interesting, to me anyway. Couldn't figure out how to load the images separately Joker Phillips Instagram Joker Phillips Twitter
How did you get that image Sid. I did what I usually do to get an image and couldn't get it. Right click didn't work for me.
Wish I could tell you, Bill. I think I right-clicked and copy-pasted it as an image. Usually it doesn't work for me, but for some reason this time it did.
That's interesting Sid, I can right click on your image and get the picture, but not on the one that I linked. Thanks.
Bill, Shoot me an email and I'll show you how to strip an image from any coded source that isn't java. It's not that hard, but it's too much to babble on here about. *This is not in any way an endorsement of theft on the internet.
Ha... I saw the words "Strip, Image", and immediately thought: "Well at least Corey is using Al Gore's interweb as it was intended - for PORN!"
I just replied to you and then it dawned on me.. I'm almost sure you use a Mac. If that is the case you go to this video for a 'how to view source' on a MAC... because obviously, Mac doesn't want you to know how things work Once you have the page source code, it's just a matter of searching for the correct image type... and instead of right mouse click, it's that Control click.. Just talking about it makes me hate Apple again
Corey, I want to say thanks. I have the article and will look at this video. Actually you can right click on Mac and that is what I have always done in the past. A lot of Mac users do use the controls like you are talking about, I still do the right click thing only with the keypad on the laptop. My laptop is usually what I use, but I also have an iMac on the desk in the room in back. I use it for printing, scanning etc. Most of the rest of the time I like to be sitting in my recliner in front of the TV with the computer in my lap, like now.
Gotcha. Well, once you view source on the page, from there it is just a matter of becoming familiar with finding the image source. Really, only java keeps you from being able to grab pictures. You can get into those java files as well, but it's a huge pain and honestly you can probably find the same image with an internet search in the time it would take you to crack open a java slideshow.