Wow, I guess I was wrong about his attitude toward Tebow. This is very positive. John Elway on Tim Tebow
What's there to like about Tebow? Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke or use drugs...he's in fantastic shape, strong, strong stud...has an unbreakable faith...puts people and teamates first, believes, believes, believes....oh, and a fantastic role model for kids. I hate the guy.
They were talking about that on drive time sports and saying that with the West being so tight and clearly the Bronco's are tied to Tebow as to whether or not they can win the West and make the playoffs that it's a no brainer to give your QB a vote of confidence. Doesn't mean that they see him as the long term solution. He will still need to learn how to be a better passer.
I have watched every throw he has made over the past several weeks and like the announcers said this past Sunday he has improved dramatically and is making some beautiful throws right now.
They are being kind, he still has a long way to go..but I wouldn't bet against him. If work ethic is part of the equation, then he can do it.
Terry, yes the Bronco's are tied to Tebow as far as making the playoffs. However the Bronco's were 1 -4 before going to Tebow and they are now 8 - 6 and in first place in the division. One could make a case that it is good that the Bronco's are tied to Tebow as they were going nowhere being tied where they were. AJ, nice analysis. Well off to bowling. I'm still maintaining a composite 192 so far this year. I feel good about that.