Coach Jim Wilson, my high school baseball and football coach, was diagnosed with cancer in his liver and spine 9 days ago and I just found out. There are a lot of people that were involved in my youth but nobody sticks out more in my mind that Coach Wilson. He was a disciplinarian and well loved by his team. My thoughts and prayers are with him, his family, and the doctors charged with making him better... or at least comfortable. You are still loved Coach! Coach Jim Wilson Prayer Request
News clip of Coach Wilson in his younger years and click next for Coach Wilson with Steve MacNair at the 2001 McNair Football Camp.
I just spoke with Coach Wilson. Of course, after so many years, 33 to be exact, he did not recognize my voice. When I stated my name, he immediately remembered me from his FIRST coaching year in 1973. The man has a mind like a steel trap. He is upbeat and not having to do radiation. There is a new drug that he takes, 7 pills per day, with minimal side effects. It was great talking to him again and I wish I could be there for his benefit reception tomorrow night. Coach Wilson was big in my life back then. Even after I transfered to DuPont for my Junior and Senior years, we stayed in touch. I realize that this does not mean much to you guys but it is therapy for me to voice it through this forum.
Thanks guys. This man means a lot to me.I had no real "man training" although there was a male roll model (sad as it was) in my house. This man filled some of that void.
Tom, since expirimental drugs were involved, it is my hope that this is some kind of break through in oncology. Son Jeff is an oncologist.