He used an appearance at the LL World series in Williamsport to rip current players Manny, A-Rod and Derk Jeter as not being worthy as role models nor the equals of he or many of his contemporaries. I guess in honor of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, Rice has decided to take mushrooms. While you can argue he is right about the role model thing in the context of Manny and A-Rod being on the infamous "List", how does he justify his half-assed comments about Jeter? And how about his choice of forums to air his rant? Bitterness was always a cornerstone of his persona. He continues to cultivate that side of himself.
I guess it's better than disrespecting a revered HOF catcher from your own club while getting busted for DUI. 8) I don't get the inclusion of Jeter either, unless Rice is referring to the tax evasion charges or herpes rumors.
You have better news sources than I do here in the metro New York area. I have never heard anything about tax evasion charges with Jeter or herpes rumors. I think we can agree that Rice stands tall for a man who has always walked around with a huge chip on his shoulder. And which HOF catcher was disrespected by who with a DUI? I guess I have to get out more....
I did my research! Tax case settled in 2008. Derek Jeter In 2001, Jeter purchased a $13 Million Apartment in Trump Towers near the World Trade Center. Which would make you think he’s a resident of New York. But Jeter has claimed to be a resident of Florida since 1994 … I wonder if it’s merely a coincidence that Florida has no state income tax. Well, the New York Department of Taxation and Finance didn’t think it was a coincidence, and in 2007 charged Jeter with evading three years worth of Taxes from 2001-2004. New york said that Jeter was indeed a resident of the Empire State and not the Sunshine State. Jeter reportedly settled the case with New York in 2008. The terms and value of the settlement are unknown. Herpes It was rumored on the internet that Derek Jeter gave Jessica Alba herpes back in the day. I can find no substantiation of it, nor would I expect to. the rumors seemed to originate in LA where Jeter has dated a good many of the starlets. Here is the Derek Jeter herpes tree.... as you can plainly see, many of your favorite Hollywood celebrities and most of Los Angeles has herpes and has Derek Jeter to thank for it.
I don't know about you guys but I certainly have witnessed worse field sobriety tests in person (not me, at a traffic accident scene that I have responded to) and on Cops. I think he kept his leg up longer than I can completely sober.
That's it, little George. When you get upset, try to make things personal. You can practically set your watch by it. :lol:
Krebsie's shot was unnecessary to be sure, but also fair to say BDR that your posts here were not, shall we say, first class in their intent and/or beyond reproach......I did however find your detailed knowledge of the personal lives of your BoSox rivals to be nothing short of extraordinary.......
I read The Post as well as The Times, Buck-T. Surely you're not attempting to justify a personal shot based on finding another's post "beyond reproach". I don't think I've ever seen you stoop to the same level.
No I'm not.....in fact I said it was unnecessary and further I believe it to be quite unfortunate. That said, I also believe your shots at Jeter to be sure were at minimum unnecessary and surely beneath you, imho. Re: Joba a bit of a stretch....but, hey that's just me.
Those weren't "shots", T. Note the lack of embellishment or editorialization. Rice's inclusion of Jeter among players that he felt should not be considered role models was questioned. Those two items are possible - and plausible - reasons.
It's not a matter of "winning", George. It's a matter of acting like an adult. You've gone down the personal insult path in the past, only to get upset when it comes back to you.
:roll: Of course not Rick......not if you are a disciple of the MCG/Gonzo school of journalistic ethics. I just never saw you fitting in with that group. From my perspective and I believe the vast majority of other interested parties, Jeter has more class in his little finger than Rice can even dream of.....but that's just my opinion.