Did you know that the last National League Club to feature 6 players with BA over .300 (Min 400 AB's) was the 1930 Cardinals? They just don't make 'em like they used to....they pay 'em more however.... TRIVIA TIME!! (1) What former Cardinal pitcher was the 1st inducted into the HOF? (2) What was the last season the Cards had 2 or more 20 game winners on their staff? Name 'em.
AJ, I'm striking out on both counts. If by "first" you mean the first Cardinal inducted, I'll take a wild stab at Dizzy Dean, but I'm betting there was one inducted earlier. I'll also bet that the 20-game winner question goes way back to pre-WW II days.
Sid, It wasn't DD. The question is what "Which Former Cardinal pitcher, was the first"... The Cards had 2, twenty game winners (same season) on their staff. what year and who were they.
Cardinals, smardinals...who pitched the opener for the Colt .45's ..ie first regular season game ever! Now that's trivia!
(1) Cy Young. Pitched 1899-1900 for STL. (2) *1985. John Tudor, Joaquin Andujar. *Robbed of WS Title that year. Thanks for playing.
That was one crazy dude when he was an Astro. Joaquin is the only player ever to be thrown out of a WS game along with his manager!! Remember that game AJ?
Walking Underwear. John "I love the fans as long as they're not electric" Tudor. Sincerely, Don Denkinger