Let's see how Kiffin responds to this. His honeymoon is officially over...
What the hell were they thinking? It will be interesting to see what Kiffin does. I assume that they will be suspended immediately and some comment will be made about letting the legal system run it's course. But they should no longer be allowed to practice with the team either.
I had just seen this elsewhere, wow those three have screwed up their lives. Richardson is the player that all the flap was about when Kiffin accused Meyer of cheating, the one that Tennessee got out of Pahokee Fla. All I can say is that I am now officially glad he didn't come to Florida.
Really, really dumb. Sounds more like a character-defining moment than a bad decision. CLK needs to set a precedent with his handling of this situation. This isn't weed or a DUI.
I started another topic on this but locked it when I saw that Aquila had started one. My link was to a different place. Here is what I posted in that topic: OK Lane, here is your chance to show that discipline will come before the player... that the team is more important than the player. Three freshmen were arrested for attempted armed robbery early this morning. I don't care that it was an air powered pistol. I don't want thugs on my team. Anyone that would point even a toy plastic pistol at someone to rob them is a thug, much less a pellet gun or a real gun. At least one of them needs to go... possibly two, the two that were at the car demanding "Everything you got". The third, that was a third passenger in the car and appears to not have participated, may be kept on a short leash on the team. Richardson: You said you were a little home sick. Here's your chance. Get the hell out of Tennessee and go back to wherever you crawled out from under a rock.
I agree Tom about not wanting any thugs on the team. This incident serves a perfect example of why I don't make it a habit of casting stones at other programs' discipline problems. This incident is unbelievable. To have this happen 2 days before a very important road SEC game makes it even more baffling. If what is alleged turns out to be true, I agree Tom, I think that both of the players directly involved should be given a swift kick to the curb. Like you, I will reserve judgement for the third player until more details are made clear. However, I think that all three players should be suspended indefinitely immediately pending review in the legal system. We do live in a country where you're innocent until proven guilty but it's not looking too good for these three. I will be appalled if all three suit up for the Vols again this season. This obviously is way more important than any football game but it amazes me how easily these type of athletes will allow their futures to be flushed. Janzen Jackson is an NFL-caliber athlete and to see this poor decision making on his part, whether he contributed or not, is very disappointing.
Tom, Doesn't Jim Haslam own Pilot? I know he founded it and was the source of his fortune......but I don't know to what degree if any he's still any event, that's a big oops! For those that don't know Haslam, he is a MAJOR Vol booster and was at one time - perhaps still - was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Not much of significance happens at UT without the blessing of Jim Haslam....
According to one report I read, Edwards and Richardson were the ones the victim identified, but in another it seemed to indicate Jackson and Richardson. I see that the Tenn AD has said Also supposedly Jackson failed a drug test and did not play vs Memphis. What a bunch of Idiots.
That is the understatement of the year! I have seen the same questionable names (which two were at the car). That is why I just call out activity rather than name. The third person was another passenger in the car. The car was being driven by a 22 year old female that was arrested for possession of marijuana. My link was hidden so I'll just show it here:
It seems simple to me...first make sure that they are really guilty of the crime. Then they are gone. This isn't shoplifting, DUI, or even fighting in a bar at 3AM (all of which we've argued penalties over). No excuse...they need to be gone...and I'm sure they will be. It may not even be up to Kiffen...would this not qualify for expulsion from school?
So what are a bunch of freshman doing hanging out with a 22y/o female? I wouldn't be suprised to find out she was a dope dealer/crack whore...except crack whores usually don't drive a Prius, or any car for that matter.
BT, Pilot really doesn't enter into the equation. It just happened to take place on Pilot property. The attempted armed robbery was against a customer outside the facility, not against the store itself.
I have an idea, why don't we let Brandon Spikes gouge their eyes out as punishment. That seems fair. No, in all seriousness, I think Stu's analysis is spot on. Make sure they're guilty as charged and then kick them to the curb and, like Stu, I doubt Kiffin even has to raise his hand on this one. If they're found guilty of a felony I would imagine, they're done academically at UT anyway. Unfortunate that they would be so dumb but crime has consequences. Terry, I think there is more to this story as well involving drugs. The 22 year old female already had marijuana charges brought against her. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire ordeal has to do with drugs.
She had drugs in the car... glove compartment I believe. You could be on to something. They may have been doing this to get money to purchase weed from her. Dave, Still think that Weed is a victimless crime?
... and just what do you add by saying that? Is that what they would get at Florida? Is that what you are saying? Pretty stupid making that comment Dave.