ya know, because I'm just making this stuff up... Iron Bowl party results in deadly shooting because the victim 'wasn't a real Alabama fan' http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf...shooting-because-victim-040513646--ncaaf.html Alabama kicker gets death threats and stuff on Twitter: http://blogs.ajc.com/news-to-me/2013/12/02/alabama-kicker-gets-death-threats-after-loss/ And some jackhole started a petition on change.org to get the 2 teams to come back and play overtime because they allege that Auburn's Chris Davis was clearly out of bounds. The thing got 700 signatures before they shut the poll down when clear evidence was presented by the national media that he didn't step out. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2013/12/did_you_think_auburns_chris_da.html Now in defense of the good, majority and REAL Alabama fans like KP, they've been disgusted and outraged by all of this. I don't think these idiots realize how much they actually hurt their team and team image with this. Since the last NCAA investigation of Alabama, I've been strong in the opinion that the problem isn't anyone actually at the school or on the staff. It's their (larger than you think) bat **** crazy contingent fan base that makes things worse. I understand the rabid passion that is unmatched in this state over the rivalry, but when left unchecked for so long, it really is becoming something horrible. If you've seen the documentary Roll Tide/War Eagle, that's basically the point of it all. There is this amazing and beautiful piece of Americana that is being cheapened by this insane element that needs to be eliminated and distanced from the 2 schools.
When I read that first one yesterday I must admit that "wait until Corey sees this story" was the first thing that popped in my head.
I saw the story that night. I was actually following the twitter meltdown on that poor kicker, which is why I didn't post anything that night. I've just been sitting and watching. I've even gone so far as to register in certain forums as a Tide fan just to put some jackasses in check because the good fans hadn't arrived yet. Mostly, I'm just sitting and watching, as always.
also... please don't be real http://www.sportspickle.com/2013/12/picture-alabama-fan-leaves-auburn-waitress-bama-tip