I'm an administrator with the National Institutes of Health. This morning I looked up to see a college student standing in the doorway of my office. She explained that she was a student here for the summer on a training award to learn about malaria research. She told me that she didn't have access to certain parts of the building, that she was having to pay $6.00 a day for parking because no one had issued her a parking puck (gets you in and out of the garage at no charge), and she hadn't received her first paycheck yet and didn't know why. After a brief conversation I assured her that she had finally talked to the right person, and that I would get her taken care of. On her way back to her lab I asked her where she goes to school, that was when I discovered that SHE'S A WOLVERINE!. Should I: A. Help her out. She's just a kid. B. Delete her from the database so her pay never gets straightened out. C. Tell her that I knew she was from Michigan because she whines worse than Lloyd Carr. D. Not do a damn thing until she sings the ND fight song. Opinions please.
No doubt, D! Surprising though that she has a summer job at NIH, I thought most UM interns were at Dominos! She must be the pick of the litter, was she dressed in feminazi garb? Terry
8) Send her to the Department of Motor Vehicles and tell her to wait in the Information line for further instructions...heh...heh... ...........JO'Co
LOL! Bobda always gets the last word. That's why I don't mess with him. The Gonzo family will learn that eventually.
:lol: A couple of hours ago I get a secretary in here in a panic begging me to bail her out with another summer intern. This student wasn't supposed to be here for another two weeks and shows up today unannounced. I had to drop what I was doing and run a fire drill to get her admitted and processed before close of business. What school does she attend? BOSTON *&^%$#@ COLLEGE! This country is going to hell. I'm headed to the pub.
This confirms our worst conspiratorial fears; they're all in cahoots. Its not paranoia if they really are all out to get you... ............Maj. T. J. "King" Kong 8)