I just bought 110 shares of "I" fund at $24 a share.....whatcha think? Don't be shy....I'm new at this and need experienced market advice....that I don't have to pay for...... :wink:
huskerlad <t>who told you to buy I Fund...your next door neighbor? your brother in law? Why don't you sign up with E Trade or TD Ameritrade or Scott trade. Loads of free info when you open an account.</t>
Jiffy!! Warren Buffett did.....he said when any stock is low...BUY. I have TSP Jiffer....so my options are limited to G,F,C,S,I and Lifecycle funds. The 5 year history has been pretty good for the fund. What's your take Jiffy?
The 2013 year return averaged 22.13% The 5 year is 12.39% This kicks the **** out of the G fund that most people do in TSP.....but like I said Jiffy....I'm a rookie at this.....do you not like the dice I rolled? Additionally, I allocated 50% of my interfund $$$ back into C fund only......and changed my monthly contribution to 70%...... The 1 year on C fund is 32.45%....the 5 is 18.0% I'm a little shaky on S funds......they're the most expensive option right now.....
the only TSP I am aware of is Tri sodium phosphate! cant help you! Personally when I retired 22 years ago..I went 100% into good dividend paying stocks. No pension when you are self employed as I was for 40 years...so the dividends are a big help!
I think you should keep your portfolio of funds balanced, even if it's limited to TSP funds. I would keep no more than 10% in the I fund. Depending on your age, (which I think I can approximate) I'd put a mix of 50% or so in a mix of C and S funds, 35% in F fund, and small amounts in I and G funds. You could be a little more or less aggressive depending on your risk tolerance.
:idea: I agree with Stu. Keep your money spread out. It's OK to own different funds and ETF's that do different things. Take a look inside any fund that you want to buy and see what the fund owns. There's no point buying another fund that owns the same stocks. Either buy more of the same fund or a different fund that owns different stocks with a good track record.