Gonne get my Lithotripsy tommorow.....got 2 Marine sized kidney stones on my left side that need demolition.....I just pray that I don't have to have the Stent left inside of me this time.....they don't use anestesia when they take it out, if you get my drift....
I can think of a few funny things to say here, but you never know when that kind of thing might come your way, so I'll just wish AJ a speedy painless recovery! 8)
Just remember Marine that which doesn't kill you makes you longer...or something like that! Good luck!
Scott, I know you were going to go with "now THAT'S a rock in a hard place!" but I'm glad to see you've matured in your old age. Somewhat.
Been there and did that 130+ times in the past 41 years. I feel for you AJ... literally! I never had much luck with lithotripsyI prefer cystoscopy. It is not as easy but guaranteed to get the stone(s). If you don't know what cystoscopy is, think of a mechanic's helper (That long flexible device that has three prongs that come out of the end to grab things). No think of it bug enough to have a camera, led light, and a laser in it as well. That goes in an exit only orifice to go get the stone from the bladder, ureter, or kidney. If the stone is too big to pull out, the laser blasts it and it is pulled out in pieces. What ever route you go, I wish you the best!
IM ALIVE!! The best news is that the doc was able to take the stent out...bad news is its debris time. After hearing Toms story, Im not going to bitch about it...you have my greatest appreciation Tom... So discharge orders were issued....ive always taken general anestsia very well...but they are adimate about what liquids they want you to put in your body for the next 24 to 36 hours...alcohol is highly dissuaded....so ive been home now for 5 hours now...been drinking lots of water...but beer really does the trick when it comes to peeing....so I get up from my nap....sneak a bottle of killians just because of the day...and not even 5 minutes later...the sergeant major wife does a supply check on my ass....."but....but....it helps me pee"....still getting counselled...more to follow...
Snort, laugh, dude I hear ya, you've had it, you must not love the family or me (your wife) for doing what you just did, you sneaky bastard you.... 8) Here's hoping your pee is "Free"....
Yeah I'm a Cane fan, and yeah I'm from the the south (God bless) but hopefully one day you and I can share a bottle of Rye whiskey together and solve the worlds problems....Hope you get to feeling better..
I love RYE whiskey....BDR suggested it to me long time ago and fell in love with the stuff... Been thinking about making a trip down to florida this year...go see you...Gipper and invite Dave to be the DD
So is that golf course for those over 50? You know, more bathrooms, shorter tee's, limited rough etc. Or 50 golf courses?
To be serious for a moment I'll explain about our golf courses. We have 36 "executive" golf courses. These are 9 hole courses with mostly par 3 holes. There may be 1 or 2 par fours on these. They're great for those that find that physically they can't play 18 holes of championship golf any more. They're free for village residence and if you pay a yearly trail fee of about $120 you don't have to pay the $4 trail fee. I'm in a men's group that plays every Fri. afternoon on one of these courses. We also have 12 country clubs with dining and bar and each has 27 holes of championship golf. 18 holes runs about $40 for residents. These courses are par 72's and they have 6 tee boxes including the "friendly" tees that enables the shorter hitters like Mary to enjoy playing there. We often go out on Sat. or Sun evening and get in 9 holes of championship golf for $20 each. There's plenty of water on all of the courses. There's not much rough partly because the grass is dormant in the winter months. Mary who only played occasionally before we moved here belongs to a neighborhood ladies club and plays with them once a week and just loves it. For the third year in a row, The Villages was the fastest growing municipality in the country. Our population is now over 119,000. We have over 8,000 tee times a day. So what you've heard is true, this place is for swingers. :lol:
Population 119,000, and 8,000 tee times a day, I'm sticking to redneck golf and staying away from the villages...