Infinite Justice and "The Big Stick"

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by Guest, Sep 19, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The Pentagon just called the Navy out to the Persian Gulf and are calling this "Operation Infinite Justice"... Watching the news this morning the announcer qouted Teddy Roosevelt "speak softly but carry a big stick".. He then pointed to the USS Theodore Roosevelt behind him and said "And THAT, is the big stick!"... It appears their battle group head out to sea this morning...

    In other news, the USS Cole was supposed to get a big celebration and sending off party later this month in Mississippi. Instead, sometime shortly after the attacks on NYC it turns out that the Cole was given a quick ceremony a kiss goodbye and then sent to sea....destination, and now location, unknown...
  2. wzt

    wzt New Member

    Sep 1, 1999
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    I thought I saw on CNN this weekend that the news ticker on the screen was referring to "Operation Golden Eagle". Was that something they made up in the mean time? I think "Infinite Justice" is more appropriate because you really don't know where the end is or when you get there.

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I believe that Operation Noble Eagle or something to that effect is the domestic effort here to regroup the people, and to bring the suspects in the States to justice.
  4. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Why do I feel that whatever happens over there, the Cole will have a big part. We all know that there was no immediate response to the attack on Pearl Harbor and all the members of the Japanese task force left unharmed.
    But, by the end of the war, ever ship involved in the attack had been sunk. It seems that the Navy has always had a long memory.
    I keep remembering the scene in the Godfather where all the family heads get taken care of. I'd love to see the same thing. At the same time we should take care of Kadhafy (sp) Hussain, OBL, and the Taliban. If the Israelies would like to do the head of Hammas and a few other groups at the same time, who'd argue. It would send a strong message that we ain't playing by our rules anymore....we're playing by theirs but we're better at the game.