After visiting my sister and her husband in Kansas City for a week we are now in Houston to visit our grandson and his wife. As an added bonus we are going to meet Tom and Cindy and Terry O for dinner Sat night. A great time shall be had by all.
Cindy and I were planing on making this a Trike trip but I took delivery of mine too late to put the necessary breakin mileage on it first. Watch out Houston... Here comes the Hemi Challenger! :wink:
BTW I've heard that the loop around Austin, Loop 130, has a speed limit of 80. Which means everybody is probably going 90.
That is correct. At least the portion I have been on. I have driven from the entrance of 130 North of Georgetown all the way to the HWY 71 Airport exit. That is 80 MPH. At 80 MPH, I have rarely been passed believe it or not. If they would just raise it to 130, I could legally test my Qtr mile speed. :wink:
It sounds like a great time for you guys and Cindy and Jeanne. Wish I could be there to enjoy the fun. Bill, I recall meeting your sister and her husband at the Royals game. Nice people.
Have such a great time I am jealous.... Tom dont forget to get Cindy a birthday cake at dinner give my friend Terry a big howdy from me I really miss him and enjoy Bill and Jeanne them seem like such nice people...
We are leaving as soon as Cindy can get finished at work today. Have made reservations at the Sheraton Brookhollow which is about 13 miles from the restaurant. Could have arranged closer but it is about the half way point between the restaurant and the Gun Show. We are going there tomorrow morning before meeting up at the restaurant tomorrow evening.
We are a little closer to the restaurant, it's right across the street. I imagine you are enjoying the gun show about now. See you in a few.
Sid, notice how relaxed the guy in the middle is? I think he has practice at this. Oh Diane, I hugged them all for you.
:lol: thank you Bill I truly misss my favorite dentist , and dinner w. Tom and Cindy. Sounds like you all had a great time