I've pretty much dodged this topic since everything I say is taken as Gator hating... but... with that being said... Since last year's game, Alabama and their fans firmly believe they were the better team and pissed the game down their leg last year. They made all the little mental mistakes that Saban preaches about avoiding (Arenas stepping out etc). This year's version of the Tide seemed to take heed of Saban's word because they twice ignored his warnings and twice paid the price. What you are seeing tonight is the fruition of a cohesive unit that is firmly and 100% tuned in to the plan of their coach who is easily one of the 3 best in the game.. I've been telling my coworkers for months that if this rematch happened, they'd handle Florida easily. Florida's noncon was a joke and didn't really battle test them. The SEC East was down by just about any standard. Hype aside, there wasn't a lot of substance so much as there was reputation to this Florida team. IMHO, they would have been better off being tested earlier in the year... facing some real adversity... but they didn't. Maybe it's the benefit of not having a dog in the fight, but I thought this to be a bit of a no brainer... However, the hungrier team won tonight. (or will win in 4 more minutes). The Gators should be applauded for all that they've accomplished in their 4 year run, but they lost their edge and that was exposed (painfully) tonight.
Except for the paragraph where you talked about the Gators early schedule Corey, I agree with about everything you said. Roll Tide Roll win the 4th straight for the SEC.
Charleston Southern Troy Florida International Florida State (and their 108th ranked defense) That is a terrible slate. You can't bet that FSU would be as putrid as they were, I think that is a given. The other 3 though? Fair enough. Good luck to you guys in your bowl game.
Give it a rest Corey. When those schedules were made FSU was likely a better team than Va Tech. And last I knew you don't drop a team during the season because they aren't as good as you thought. Year in and year out the Gators schedule is among the toughest in the country. Not this year because some teams were down. That's life. We will be back and I expect these two teams to be the two best in the SEC over the next few years. Not every year but in general.
KP It's great to see a program that struggled get back to championship form. There's another team I'd like to see do that although it might take some time.... Roll Tide!
Gip et al: OK here it it is: I and Corey have contended all along, there are certain teams that will be there eventually, just because of history. Alabama and Notre Dame have been there for over 100 years. They will be there again.
To KP.......congratulations.....go whip some Longhorn ass. To Corey......yeah....now Alabama is 3-4 in SEC Title games vs. Florida. One more and they will be even and interesting to note that Bama has never even played an SEC East team for the SEC Title in the championship game other than Florida.
ND <t>Well I thought someone was capable of beating Florida this year, unfortunately it was Alabama. Oh well, Go Horns!<br/> <br/> It was a great run Gator fans....say goodbye to Mr Tebow. Nice young man, great college player but we won't hear from him again.</t>
Hey AJ, to bad you didn't post something to help your offense tonight. Still in the game though down 10 - 9 with over 11 minutes to go.
Bill, I don't know what else you want from me. In my post I said that you couldn't/wouldn't bet that FSU was as bad as they were. I gave you full credit for that. The issue is that your division really wasn't that strong at all and your other non-cons were two highway roadstops and an airport. That is undeniable. As for the VTech-FSU comparison, I don't see how that matters. Scheduling ND use to be a big deal too. Now we lose at home to UConn. Sh*t happens. You seem to forget that VTech started winning in the 90s. they were beating Miami when many (including your Gators) could not. They were suppose to get swept under the rug moving to the ACC and instead they have dominated it. Now I agree with you that one day, you and I can sit back over a beer and laugh about 'remember when Virginia Tech was good?' because I am not sure they can sustain it after Beamer leaves. Then again, people use to laugh about Florida State before Bowden. Dave, And all of that matters how? The fact remains that the SECCG has been around only during the greatest and most golden of eras of Florida football. I understand that you must be stinging though. The culmination of a 4 year effort. The crowning jewel and your stake at a claim among football immortals just went down the can to Alabama with a convincing defeat. Alabama is the only team to win an SEC title in every decade. That's impressive. Your program has much to be proud of and you cheapen it with statements such as yours. It's like listening to someone explain to you the historical significance of a strip mall. Trust me, I know how having your team thumped can put you in a bad mood. My Irish have kicked me in the balls ever since the mid90s.
Congratulations to the Crimson Tide! I must admit I was surprised by the margin of victory. I did not get to watch the game, but Alabama's defense must have reigned supreme. Sad and disappointing end for the Gators and Tim Tebow. But everything goes in cycles and will continue to do so. Actually I am looking forward to many of these bowl games due to the new participants and matchups. Don
I don't want anything from you Corey, I said I agree with everything you said except about our schedule. Since it's almost impossible to get over one person together and find total agreement I think that's pretty good. I also agree about Virginia Tech, I'm not sure they continue to do that well after Beamer either. But they have done well enough long enough that who knows? I would hope someday we do get to meet,whether it's over a beer, dinner whatever. It would be my pleasure. Don, you think you were surprised by the margin of error? There's a whole Gator nation still in shock. :cry: But I agree about the Bowl matchups. I'm anxious to see who we play in a bowl game.