The SEC is bar none the standard bearer in shitty officials. They seriously have no context of the game, the rules or really anything reality based.
Not sure what exactly you are talking about, but in the A&M game on that big INT the Bama kid never saw the ball and ran over the A&M kid while face guarding him. The ball hit him in the back of the helmet. I always thought that was pass interference. But apparently not. Also thought the push off call on the A&M reciver was total bull ****.
Terry, face guarding in the NFL is a penalty but not in college or HS. I thought the push-off call was legit. The extension of his arm gave the receiver an unfair advantage.
Well the OP was written before the incredible finish to the Wisc.-ASU game. What dumb clowns those refs were.
I went to bed with Wisconsin dominating and see ASU won. Did anyone watch it to the end? I am trying to figure out what happened with with this invisible knee thing....
Saw finish on ESPN this AM. Wisc. had ball deep in ASU territory with about 20 sec. to go. The QB took snap and moved to his left to center the ball. He put his knee down (I think) and then placed the ball on the ground. His plan was to line up and spike the ball for the winning FG. An ASU player jumped on the ball and Wisc. was unable to get lined up for another play since ASU players were on both sides of the line of scrimmage. The officials just stood there as the clock ticked off the final 15 sec.
Thanks Gipper, it didn't make as much sense reading it in the newspaper...It kinda sounds like it makes no sense at all I'm sure to the Badgers...
I saw a replay a second time so I knew what was going on. Here's the problem. If the refs felt that the W QB hadn't touched his knee to the ground then the ball would have been free lying on the ground. When the ASU player fell on it the refs should have signaled ASU ball. They didn't. Therefore you would assume that the play was over and an ASU player jumping on the dead ball was a delay of game penalty. Of course the clowns in stripes didn't do that either. They just stood there like the house by the side of the road.
I just watched the replay. IMO, there are a couple of issues. First, the WI QB erred by not spiking the ball to stop the clock, or at least not touching his knee to the ground. By laying the ball on the ground without going to a knee, he committed the same act as a fumble. Second, the refs should have signaled a fumble and recovery by ASU, thus ending the game. By not doing anything and by allowing WI to line up again, they added to the confusion. Bottom line: IMO the QB error was the reason for the loss.
Article that provides a detailed chronology of what happened.
I am not sure if Wisky's fans are more angry at Brett Bielema's wife tweet just after the game than the bizarre ending of that game.
The kid didn't spike it, he set the ball gently down on the ground. I watched that thing. The first thought I had was the same thought the ASU player had.. that's a fumble. The announcer (watching the replay) accused the kid of laying on the ball to kill the clock. I thought he was jumping on a fumble. Both teams just gave that game away time and time again. Arizona State dominated much of the action, but gave points away at every turn. The ASU play calling on their last possession was Willingham/Weis level of bad. I have a very hard time blaming the refs in that game. None of that was their fault. That was a poorly played game between ASU and Wisconsin. My beef with the SEC officials is that they let so much go and then randomly select a play to insert their power. Hand fighting and pushing off was going on during every down on both sides. If you're going to call it tight, call it tight... but don't pull out the flag on a so-so call when you've been 'letting them play' all night.
The QB took a knee before he placed the ball on the ground. The play was dead at that point; plus, the whistle was blown after he took the knee. I think the reason he did not spike the ball was because they used that play to try to get the ball spotted in the middle of the field. The clock had already stopped before that play was run as the Wisky player went out of bounds on the prior play. Spiking the ball on the next play would have made no sense since the ball would have been placed at the same spot: the purpose of that play was to get a better angle for the FG and then spike the ball and bring the FG team on. When he placed the ball on the ground, 3 ASU players dived for the ball so it does seem that they thought is was a live ball although, as mentioned, the whistle was already blown. I have seen similar situations in past games and in those situations the ref will usually stop the clock to clear the ball and then restart the clock. I think the refs blew that one although the QB screwed up also by not taking a knee and then handing the ball to an official which would have prevented the mosh pit on the ball scene. His laying the ballon the ground was an odd move. I watched the entire game and not sure if any team dominated the other. ASU dominated the 1st quarter in terms of yardage and possession but after that the game seemed to shift back and forth in terms of momentum. The final stats are pretty even in terms of yardage and time of possession. Overall, Wisky played well on the road at night against a team that is going to be one of the better teams in the P12. Before the game, I thought they were going to be waxed in Tempe and were one of the few B10 teams that showed some sign of a pulse this week.
Twitter and the coaches wife...just goes to show you anybody can make a fool of themselves when they are trying to be cute. What the F* is she even doing commenting on the Wisc game/program..she can't win and she can't out cute the internet or out sarcasm it either.
Suspect wifey has been stewing over the comments made by the Badger faithful after hubby left for Arkansas with the most prominent being Alverez's comment that since Bret's departure, " Nobody has told me that they will miss Bret". Guess she thought the way the game ended provided her the opportunity for a little payback that makes her look like a callous fool given that those W players were mostly recruited by her hubby. My guess is that Bielema is probably not happy with the tweet but if you look at the picture of her in the link below, I think you will agree that he probably will express his unhappiness to her about the tweet very mildly.
I missed the QB taking a knee just before he laid the ball down. I re-watched it and it did not look like his knee touched the ground, Whatever the case, if the refs blew the whistle, the play was dead, and they should have called a dead ball delay of game penalty, as has been suggested here by gipper.
Sid, the link below has a still photo of Stave kneeling.
:roll: No no no no... Every good Catholic knows that a genuflect is not a kneel-down. The Wisconsin QB NEVER touched the ground with his knee. He was in a hurry and he made a phantom genuflection that he hoped would fool the refs, but it didn't fool anybody. I was watching the game and the first thing that I thought was, "That's a fumble!" The ASU players thought the same thing and the refs weren't sure what was going on. The QB doesn't get to spot the ball anyway. That's the refs job. The only thing that everyone knew, was that the clock was running down and Wisconsin had no time-outs left... <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
BTW- No Big Ten team has ever beaten Arizona State at Sun Devil Stadium. ASU is now 9-0 against them...
Jo Co , the photo I posted certainly looks like he is kneeling. Also per NCAA rules, play declared dead when: "When a ball carrier simulates placing his knee on the ground." So even if his knee did the touch the ground, the act of simulating kneeling itself would end the play even if the knee did not hit actually hit the ground. Plus the whistle was blown.