Now we have the likes of Colin Cowherd, the trojan and PAC ten loving one himself giving out his recommendations on NDs next coach. He says he thinks ND should hire Fitzgerald from Northwestern or Peterson from Boise ST! Don't ya know he would just love that if it happened. Yeah right Cow terd! The media just loves it when there is blood in the water don't they? Those sorry SOBs. If CW is out then ND needs to pull out all the stops on who they hire. The have to hit a home run this time. Money should not be a concern. They need to do this right and not put the school and team through the same type of fiascoes they did the last 3 times they changed coaches. ND needs a serious coach, someone with a outstanding record of doing it right. Someone who knows how to be a college coach and work in the college setting. Come on ND let's get it right this time. I'm 57 yrs old. I would really like to see one more NC before my time is done here on earth. HIRE BRIAN KELLY!
Phil Fulmer is good for one NC every 18 years and he is available. Before you start throwing things across the table or have your son start tracking me down... just a joke to try to get a grin back on that 6 year older than mine face! 8)
Glad to see someone else has the same feelings about a lot of the media that I have! :evil: :evil: I can't take them serious much any more. All they want to do is create controversy.
ND <t>Bill,<br/> <br/> Somehow Stoops name always comes up. Anybody who knows much at all knows that is not going to happen and personally I'm glad. <br/> <br/> The article you posted makes sense though. Weis is gone. Even as optimistic as I usually am, I can say ND will not win out and that would be the only way CW MIGHT stay. Regardless of the Navy loss. 8-4 means CW is out. <br/> <br/> If he has any respect at all for ND as he professes he has, he will bow out gracefully. I still like you CW but you ain't the right guy. Say goodbye and let ND go about trying to find the RIGHT guy please.<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Come on Brian K!</t>
ND <t>gipper,<br/> <br/> I think a lot of people thought he might be gone after last season but I knew they would give him a least one more.</t>
It should be noted that if you want to write for Bleacher Report, all you have to do is sign up and start writing....
Tim, The article that Bill posted was from the Bleacher Report. Literally anyone can write for the Bleacher Report. Just sign up and start posting articles citing 'unnamed sources.' I've actually thought about doing something like that as a spoof of college sports coverage, but my plate's too full writing for other folks.. It does seem like a lot of potential fun though.
ND/Kelly <r>this is a great article about ND, the current situation and Coach Kelly. The author gets it right in so many ways...<br/> <br/> <URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... &type=lgns"></LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> Also a little article on Kelly's offense..<br/> <br/> <URL url=",202207"><LINK_TEXT text=" ... aaf,202207">,202207</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> If CW is out...this is our guy!! <E>8)</E></r>
Tim, Dan Wetzel is a sports writer that I agree with about 98% of the time btw. I happen to agree with his article btw. I read that yesterday. I think he's spot on. As to the 2nd article, that's a good read. Thanks for that. Of course, reading just what small sampling he's offered the easy answer is 3deep zone coverage with man underneath...but I am sure for every yin, there is a yang. Looks like a good offense. Simple, but good.
Nice article. Kelly could be the next Dan Hawkins. I do like his rendition of the Meyer incident. Unlike other members of the media, he actually understands how the whole thing went down.
I've reached a point where I don't care to much for about any of the sports writers around these days. Way to many of them try to make news as opposed to writing about the news. I won't say much more about that, at least at this point, but here's an article for what it's worth, not much to me of course. And hey, if my program was looking for a coach right now I would have Kelly at number one and Gruden high on the list. Meyer and Notre Dame
Bill....... <t>Agree and I dislike the national media on politics even more. When ND pulls the plug on Charlie after five long years I hope Kelly is the choice and takes the job. I'm sick to death od watching underachieving football at a school where there is NO reason for it, none.<br/> Tebow just went long to Cooper for a beauty.</t>
Terry, sorry I missed you posting that article and posted the same one after you. So tell me though would you still want Meyer? I'm having trouble believing he would leave but I wonder how many Notre Dame fans would want him now? Kelly looks pretty good to me.