Seems like you guys have a winner. But it is amazing to me that students have to be cajoled into going to football games. And it's not just at UF. Saban got on Alabama students for showing up late and leaving early. It's been happening all over, some say it's because they are unable to use their phones at that games due to cell coverage being compromised with the large concentrations of fans in a small area. Which is why so many stadiums are beefing up wifi and cell coverage.
They can also walk down the street to the best bar on University Ave and watch the game on TV with a cold beer.
Bingo! That is a huge factor in student participation at the stadium. There are also numerous keg parties and such at student rented homes where people park and tailgate before the game. We used to skirt that problem when I was a student by stuffing a pint of whiskey in our shorts and imbibing at the game.
My niece was in a sorority and their house was about 100 yds from the stadium. She would go to the start of the game but about halftime sometimes they would leave and watch the rest of the game from the house. :?
kp, at least your niece stayed for half the game. The football atmosphere at Indiana is worlds apart from Bama. In Bloomington, there usually are more students at afternoon-long tailgates in the vast parking lot than in the stands at the game.
Bill and Dave, I don't know if you remember Earl Okine, who apparently was not a starter at Florida. He currently is on the Colts' 53-man roster. His path since college gives new definition to the term "journeyman."
When I was at an Ohio State game, we had a friend who was in labor...she climbed up to the upper deck (C deck) and watched the first half. At halftime she walked the 200 or so yards to University Hospital with her hubby and had her baby.