Quite often, when people talk about how certain items are presented together as if to suggest they are related, I know it can be tough to document because people can't or don't often document what they see. Tell me if you see anything wrong with the presentation of these news stories.
Corey, Is that for real? Are we sure that hasn't been photoshopped? If not, I'm speechless.....I don't know what to say.
I have already seen an article recently on the extremist, racists groups making a comeback and it was a stand alone article. I doubt this was meant to be a message of any sort....just timing.
Dude, you truly are blinded by light.....do you truly not find the juxtaposition of the hooded klansmen - first as the lead - second right next to the "tea party" participant just a little more than coincidental? Then the text below and its sequencing is extraordinary in its own right.....the number cruncher in me suggests that the probability of all those little tidbits being coincidental are hmmmmmmmm shall we say so great as to suggest they are not.......if the courts can accept DNA odds, I'd say we're pretty safe in a finding of specific intent here...... Am I paranoid? Is it just me fellas or does anybody else see what's going on here?
Nope, that is a bonafide screen shot of the CBS news website last night just a few minutes before I posted it. This was just the icing on the cake to me... After the entire day of entirely one-sided coverage... this was just too much. When I saw that, I had to do a screen shot of it. The only alteration that I made to that screenshot was that i converted from png file (the default image file for MAC screenshot) to JPEG format. Have anyone check the EXIF on that file, there's nothing altered. You like how they jump them all right next to each other... If people can't see what is going on, they are blind. I've been speaking out on issues on the down low for a while now, due to some recent shitty changes, that will not happen any more. I'll document what I see and bring it out for anyone to see.