The aftermath of the tornadoes is just amazing. No Katrina like situation despite the fact that entire cities, towns and neighborhoods were cleared from the map all over the state. The people have rallied. So much so that they are having to turn away or schedule volunteer help. I read one report in which they were closing up shelters because so many of the displaced families were taken in by neighbors or family until there situation can be cleared up. It reminds me a lot of the way Mississippi handled the post-Katrina rebuild as opposed to Louisiana. Speaking of Mississippi... did anyone catch their act with the Westboro Baptist a-holes? Turns out the WBC showed up to protest the funeral of a fallen solder in MS. Normally people have to sit angrily on their hands as the protesters do their thing and tarnish an already sad day for some poor family. Well in Brandon, MS things went a bit differently. When people ask me about this story with astonishment, I chuckle.. It's Mississippi for goodness sakes!! They bury peace protesters over there. Bring in a few dozen out of towners looking to tarnish the funeral service of a local war hero?? Those guys are lucky to escape with their hides.
I read that awhile ago about the WBC deal in Mississippi, and could only think BRAVO, those assholes had it coming to them. But they are not stupid assholes, they will be ready for that tatic the next time they go to a funeral.
re: funeral protesters Perhaps they can try their protest in some other communities. I suggest: - South Boston - East Los Angeles - Fill in the blank... :twisted: