I do dumb things

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by IrishCorey, May 30, 2013.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    I'm often testing websites, databases and things. You can toss processes in there as well. If you grew up with computers and getting into things you're not suppose to, then you know what I mean. Some of us never really give that up.

    Anyway, back during the previous election, I went to one of those 'national' voter registration sites that's online. What I wanted to see is what would happen if I'd put in a partial profile, but not actually register. (this avoiding any criminal activity, but still giving the system itself enough info to initiate whatever process may exist)

    Sure enough, from the moment I stopped, I've been getting regular messages from our President. I found this as odd because the site was allegedly NOT party affiliated. And again, it should be mentioned that I never actually registered. I just entered SOME info and left it at that without completing anything. I only entered an initial email and 1st name. That's it. I received constant updates during the election begging me to complete the voter registration, and updates letting me know how I could help defeat Romney and the GOP and help my good friend.. the president.

    Well, given everything that's going on, these emails are starting to crack me up so I'm going to use this to post them. We can compare them against the timeline/backdrop of what's really going on right now.. you can draw your own humor in any way you'd like.. make comparisons, or just ignore it.. but that's what I'll be doing here.

    Now.. consider the events of the past week.. AP scandal.... IRS scandal.. the realization that the 'crazy conspiracy' required for Benghazi to be real just got a whole lot more real to even the most hardline Obama supporter.. So with all that going on, this is what the message is:


    Corey --

    I keep a to-do list in my desk.

    It's ambitious, but you and I didn't set out to do easy things.

    As long as I can count on you to be a part of this, we will find a way to make progress on all of it -- continuing to create good-paying jobs, fixing our broken immigration system, finding a common-sense way to reduce gun violence in this country, and more.

    No president can do it alone.

    Say you're in:


    There's a lot of work to do -- thanks for doing your part.
