Gators will like this article. It's very complimentary of Foley and his decision making in firing Zook early and his hiring of Urban Meyer. I find this interesting and in great contrast to how the press views the Irish firing of Tyrone Willingham, which is still being criticised by the press as a racist move, completely ignoring that Tyrone after his first 8 games was a .500 coach with a string of complete blowouts by our rivals that was unprecedented in Notre Dame history.
Lord I wish Byrne would follow this model, and strike NOW! I'm afraid we'll be tied to the Frantastic anchor until 2008... :cry:
Yes I liked the article, and I hope the Gators don't have to follow it again for quite a number of years.
So that last comment about the coaching scene being ripe for change this year...who's going to get the axe? Dirk Koetter at ASU? JoePa retire? John L. Smith at MSU? Lloyd Carr retire if UM wins it all? Bobbah Bowden retire? Larry Coker at Miami? more?
Terry, as we know ND always has been and always will be a lightning rod. We understand that our experience has nothing to do with Florida's except for the similarities in circumstances and timing, which make the comparisons of media coverage quite interesting.
One little point overlooked in the article was the fact that the Fla. president had been the president at Utah while Meyer was coaching there. He's not even mentioned. The fact is, the deal was done when Zook was fired. This 5 weeks of search time is nothing but nonsense. Of course that would have looked really bad tampering so early with Meyer while he was in the middle of the season at Utah so we get this created coach search.
In a different article on CSN, I laughed at how the ND-haters are still pushing the Ty-wronging by ND. Matthew Zemek had this as part of his response to Mid-season Best Story:
I don't begrudge Willingham any success he has at Washington. He's back on the west coast and he knows the PAC10, so it's not incomphrehensible that he would make a turn around. But he clearly wasn't getting the job done at ND. Not to mention that his personal motivation for success maybe at an all-time high due to getting canned by the Irish. I doubt if any Gators hope Zook fails at Illinois nor would they be surprised that he is still a good recruiter. But I doubt if any think, now especially, that he should have been given more time. Terry
Interesting quote from Zemek. If the Huskies are "well coached" maybe it's in no small part due to the fact that UW wouldn't let Ty take the inept idiot he had for an OC at ND. Dietrich was so bad he couldn't find a coaching job in the US and ended up as a volunteer coach in Canada. Maybe if Ty had dumped that clown earlier he wouldn't have been blown out by so much at ND.
I'm trying to figure out how a "well coached" team can be standing around with their collective heads up their arses as time runs out on their last gasp shot at the upset of the year? Yep, those guys were a well-oiled machine...
Nice article for UF to be sure. And retrospect especially, I believe Zook had enough time to show all that he could do. Thank God that rollercoaster came to a stop.