especially those of you who may remember the great Michigan-Notre Dame-Ohio State wars of the mid90s.... I offer this to you without comment: trust me, you're going to want to read it.. but it is a pdf file so you'll need some form of Adobe or Adobe Acrobat or equivalent converter to read it.. Most of you should have this on your system anyway.
This would have been during the Woody and Bo years. I remember the name but that is about all. Obviously he is not doing very well at the moment. Don
Kovach was a Michigan fan who was so far over the top in his hate for Notre Dame that he made Gonzo look like a ND fan. He used to post long tomes about why Michigan was better than Notre Dame. He was so far over the top that even Michigan fans like Bobda didn't like him. He eventually left Prodigy after having been banned several times for a month at a time. He then adopted a new handle called himself MGOAzul and tortured ND fans on AOL and other places. Recently the only thing I've seen from him is when John Vannie would post one of his emails over on NDNation. It was classic Kovach with the boiler plate rantings from his days at Prodigy. Apparently his attention to trashing ND got in the way of taking care of his clients properly...shocking, well shocking that the loon even had clients.
Terry, Thanks for the information. This must have been before my time on Prodigy?? I can not remember exactly when I started on Prodgiy, but I thought it was back in the late eighties. Don
Do I remember this guy? I sure do. Saying this guy was a jerk is putting it mildly. He certainly didn't come across as a very nice person. Ah Karma. PJ in Jersey
George, I occasionally lurk over at NDNation and saw this posted there. I don't know how the poster got hold of the document, but I think it's - as PJ said - appropriate karma.
George, That guy angered a lot of people and tried picking up a lot of underage girls. There are some of us who never forget a face and never forget a pedobear. I'm one of those guys.
The only poster I can remember coming close to Kovach was some guy from Boston College. He was a lot of trouble for a lot of guys. I can't remember his name. PJ in Jersey
PJ, I seem to recall that the BC guy challenged Gipper to a fight and they were going to meet in an airline terminal when Gip was waiting for a flight, but the BC guy never showed up. Hey, Gip, is my feeble memory on target?
Sorry to be late on this one. Corey, I can't believe you remembered Petie Drummond. All I can say after looking at that Discipline Board Order is.... CASE CLOSED TIMMY!!!
I can't believe how well you guys remember all that stuff. I vaguely remember Tim Kovach... but not the other guy. Of course I didn't really troll the Notre Dame stuff much. It was a different world back then... heck I can barely remember what that old text format looked like... :shock: