You doing alright? I haven't heard from you and that bowl loss was shitty even by Coug standards. I still think your future is bright. He's gotta learn to break the Coug thing though.
Doing alright? Why does everyone keep asking that? What happened that everyone is concerned for me? This is a hard time of year for a lot of people, but I have a loving family and many loving friends that make this a great time of year for me. I may be getting old, though, because my memory isn't what it once was. For instance, I was getting ready for some event last weekend. Saturday afternoon to be exact. After that, I have absolutely no memory of doing anything until the next morning when I woke up. Something epic must have gone down, though, like I missed one hell of a party. There was broken glass everywhere, the smell of beer permeated the carpet, the dogs put their tails between their legs whenever I went near them, and the family took awhile to make eye contact with me. I do have to buy a new laptop, though, because it appears somebody got a little wild at the celebration. If only I could remember what everyone was celebrating; that must have been one hell of a shindig! Oh well, sometimes the blank spots in the memory comes back, and other times they don't. Only time will tell. The closest thing I can say that is causing me to be a bit depressed is that the football season is over, and the Cougars STILL haven't gone to a bowl game in over a decade. I really thought Wazzu had a shot at it this year after going 6-6 against one of the toughest schedules in the nation. In Leach's second year we improved, but evidently not enough. Well, there's always next year. Maybe we'll end the bowl drought next year. 8) :shock: :evil: :x :cry: Anyway, thanks for checking in on me. And how're you doin'?
Hey O'Connor......KES is FINE!!....I'll do this just hold the tail....and quit giving Craig James my cell number.....
haha AJ, his disaster is over while yours is still going on. I was just waiting for you to 'settle' before I checked in on you. BTW, did you see these glorious t-shirts that are still available on the Washington State website? The "Bound 4 Victory" shirt is yet another classic
Kes, So you've found your happy place. That's good. Just keep drinking the juice and vitamins that the nurses are bringing you. Everything will be just fine.
I had the good fortune to be talking to Kesley as his "party" was ending... I felt pretty sure I'd gotten him off the ledge before I hung up. Glad to see he did survive the hangover. AJ... that last picture damn near made me choke to death laughing!
as long as AJ is posting I know: 1. He's not in the fetal position 2. He's probably not carrying a rifle These are other reasons why I'm not worried about AJ, yet.