Sadly I have seen from several areas that Pujols name is on the list. However I agree with Corey that today is not the day to be throwing stone or to rejoice that someone's name is on the list.
You didn't see the real list, then. What you probably saw was the fraudulent "leaked" list that WNBC posted briefly. Do you believe everything you hear on ESPN? Just download the report and search it for whatever name you like. Better that people here should do that than continue to irresponsibly perpetuate rumors when the facts are readily available.
Really? Here is a Yahoo story reporting the names on the list. I see present and former Red Sox but no Albert.
After watching and enjoying Albert the last 5 years, it's become apparent that with his frame size (6-3 and 240) and his current age (27?), he's just a big powerful young man that doesn't need performance enhancing drugs. I would be very surprised if he tests positive for steroids.
Well I'm glad Pujols is not on the list. He was reported earlier in the day but I'm glad it was a bad report. I like Pujols and he has always seemed a class act. What is this so called secondary list?
I did NOT make it up...It was in print yesterday but I cant remember where. The 12 inch storm has blocked my memory...will try to get a grip on it later today.
Joel, the list you refer to is the rumored list, not the list from the Mitchell report. It is not "secondary". You reacted to rumor. Pujols is not named in the Mitchell report.
Yep. There he is, right there on the "rumored list". Did you notice that the page was apprently put up before the Mitchell report was published? That's why "AM570 KLAC will post more information on the Mitchell Report as soon as more information becomes available" is printed at the bottom. Just because someone was not named in the Mitchell report, it does not mean they aren't using performance enhancing drugs. But the issue in this thread is whether Albert Pujols is on the list found in the Mitchell report, and he isn't.
As far as I know none of these players have been charged with a crime. Publishing a list of their names kind of bugs me...maybe it's ok if they broke the rules of baseball when they did it...can I assume they did? I don't just seems to me that the prisoners at Gitmo have more advocates for their rights than our celebreties do. Baseball has a huge problem and I would rather they concentrate on fixing it than crucifying folks for operating within the broken system... Just a thought.