I have to admit that I am impressed by how measured and composed the kid's father is in all of this. I'd highly recommend reading the entire article. With that said, it's situations like this that are so maddening. Precautions should have been taken. At the same time, had the school or staff had full transparency with this issue, I'm not so sure this family would have sued. I'm quite certain the school's administration simply ran with the story the coaches gave them and were now on the hook for the initial statements. I'm sure the coaches were in a panic and feared losing their jobs and more to a lawsuit. (although the HC did step down at the end of the season) Now the lawyers are involved and this will get ugly. I do a lot of bitching about the NCAA, and I found this segment particularly compelling. I know people seem to think of college football, or college athletics in general, in the micro sense of big college football or basketball. However, there is a much larger window to look at here and it is one that really receives no attention at all. It was my experience working at a DII school that honestly, the NCAA just doesn't give one **** about you or the kids. There are/were some absolute pirates operating on the lower levels and as long as the school can white wash what is going on there, the NCAA won't look into it at all. Given the absolutely incredible amount of money being poured into the NCAA, you have to wonder how or if it is adequately allocated. The NCAA complains they don't have the resources to properly monitor cheating at the DI level. They obviously aren't monitoring anything on the lower levels. Exactly where the hell does that money go and what good is truly coming from NCAA membership? In practicum, the NCAA is nothing more than a license. The older I get, the less I fear the NCAA being taken down. They are always one lawsuit away from it. I know people shake in their boots over the loss of tradition, and they often cite the 'good' done by the organization. That's still a premise I flatly challenge. I don't think they do anything at all aside from a few paper thin programs that serve as PR campaigns.
I haven't read the article yet, but I remember a player dying in practice at UCF. I think the parents sued, information was very tough to come by. Even the players on the team were not eager to give their thoughts on what happened, no doubt fearing retribution from the coaching staff. I don't remember the final resolution of the case though.
I just finished reading the article and am a loss for words. It is tragic and I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in those parents shoes. I love football but have to admit that when my two sons were of an age to play it did not break my heart that they didn't go beyond the youth program stage. Thinking about all the injuries that happen and thinking how hard it would be if it were our son. And that is before all the information came out about concussions and how tragic those consequences can be. I will continue to love football but do think that rethinking some of the macho suck it up and get back in there mind set is the right thing to do. I am still numb from that article. Terry here's a link about what happened in the UCF case you mentioned. UCF Football Player Death Lawsuit
Bill, Thank you for taking the time to read it. I find it's a rather compelling story and shines a bright light on something that otherwise goes without much note or fanfare.
I read the whole article. The writer did a really nice job with a heart-wrenching story. The culture has to change. Obviously the kid felt that mentioning the problems he was experiencing wasn't "football like."
I just read the story. Yes, it is heart wrenching. Yes, it is sad. Yes, it makes me angry the the people on the other side of the lawsuit are ducking for cover and are getting away with it.
My daughter went to Frostburg for a year (she transferred to Salisbury, closer to the beach) and this is not a football crazy area. In the mountains of Maryland, so if the mania is here, it is everywhere.
something along the lines of this story... and I am going to post dirty words so stop reading now if those things offend you, just skip to the link... but if you're still with me. The NCAA has said they have no legal duty to protect student athletes... THEN WHAT THE **** IS YOUR OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITY NCAA? YOU ARE LITERALLY NOTHING MORE THAN A MIDDLEMAN IN THIS RACKET. CLOSE YOUR DOORS AND INCREASE THE PROFITS FOR EVERYONE WHO ACTUALLY WORKS IN THIS WORLD. There, I feel a little better. and if you're too lazy to read the article but are still reading this for some reason, all you need to know is this: