Wow! Funny thing is I had a feeling in the 3rd inning this was Lesters nite. I normally shut down..but I remained for this. TESSIE was blaring out of speakers for 20 minutes after the last out :!: What a story..what a great kid :!:
And I missed it. Yesterday was Kim's birthday. Priorities. I am very happy for John Lester and hope that I'm on hand for the next one. I'm glad you stayed up for it.
Wait a minute, you are the worlds biggest Red Sox fan and you don't watch the whole game every night?
Cant make the adjustment, doc. 40 years of getting up at 4am for the businesses has carried over . I wake up at 4am 7 days a week..means early to bed! :evil:
Rick tell Kim Happy Birthday !!! maybe we should meet at Anaheim or chavez soon Joco only has 2 weeks left of school ...... I am glad to see you spent the evening w. her did to tvo the game. What is she now 25 ? Love to you both ....D .. I cant wait to see this Dewitt Kid in person
Kim thanks you for your birthday wishes, Diane. We'd love to see you guys sometime soon. I bet you were happy with DeWitt again tonight. If Volquez of the Reds had started one of the games in this series I probably would have gone. If you guys want to go to a game sometime I'd prefer a Dodger game to the Orange County hype circus. In fact, the Indians are in town for interleague in June and both weekend games are day games. We could watch a game and then barbeque at our place afterward. Let me know if you're interested.
doc! 4 AM LOL! first I check the baseball scores from night before.Next is breakfast, followed by cable news. Read PROJO and WSJ...2 mile walk ..shave shower and ****..and then ready to face the day!! 15 years now and I still cant adjust to this retirement thing! :x