Looks like he's putting off surgery. Good luck, Albert. I hope the trainers manage it well this season.
He's in much better shape than Curt the Shill, who signed a fat contract, then, oh by the way, my arm hurts. Surgery? Oh well.......such is life....he says as he cries all the way to the bank.
Puljos hit a jack yesterday with that shoulder.... You know Jiffy, I used to admire the Sox and would root for them against the Yankees...until recently...because you're making it really easy...to drift over to the dark side.... :twisted: It's gonna be a LLOOOOONNNGGGGG season...question is: Will you still actually BELIEVE as Rick does all season, or fold up shop when things get tough, as you have the tendency to do...
now mr huskerlad..is that very nice? Ive thrown much support to you and your huskers through the years. are you having that much difficulty "reading" me after 15 years? :evil: