We've been camping for a week and pretty much out of touch. Back now but have a house full of grandchildren for a week. 6 of them all teenagers, how life flies. Kickoff is getting closer, we will have two of these grandkids as new students at Florida this year. One of them may be in the marching band. This puts a totally different aspect on the upcoming home schedule for the Gators. Kick off is just a little over 60 days away.
Just another reason to hold on to those season tickets Bill, and to make the trip down south for a couple of games!! How's your bowling? Is it the off season now? 8)
You are right Terry we are holding the tickets and are planning on making 4 - 6 games. I finished bowling on a bit of a low note last season and my average was off. I am in a summer league but not doing well until the last time I bowled just before the camping trip. Hope springs eternal though.
Bill, my son enrolls at UF next month as well as a junior college transfer. Maybe we will meet up one day in G-ville...
Hey Ralph, glad to hear. You planning on attending any games? We won't be going to the Toledo game, I don't do noon games any more. But are planning on attending Tenn. on Sept 21 I believe. Like Terry, what is your sons major?
Thanks, I'm very proud His major is Horticulture Science leaning toward the chemistry direction of that degree. We have not had the chance to think a whole lot about attending games "yet". Orientation and apartment hunting are the priority at the moment but I am looking forward to thinking a little football once that is done.
I don't know if you read earlier or not or even when I posted it, but I have two grandchildren starting there in the fall. My granddaughter is in a dorm and the grandson has an apartment across from Tigert Hall. She, Ashley, is in General Studies and he, Cody, is going into Engineering. Cody actually will be attending Santa Fe but it's a joint program with UF. As long as he stays in the Engineering program and is successful he will automatically move to UF. In fact he is in the marching band which will put a whole new level to our experience. Exciting times to say the least.
Bill I know you have to be very proud of the grandchildren, congratulations. I hope to meet them both with you one day when we are in town at the same time, I am three hours to the south. Engineering, yikes that is a difficult major, he must be very good in math. These "are" very exciting times, what instrument does your grandson play in the band?
He plays the clarinet. Also I just found out that my granddaughter is going to take a course called Exploratory Engineering to see if she might be interested in Engineering. As far as the Grandson goes, I studied engineering, his mother and father both studied engineering so he's 3rd generation Gator on both sides of the family and third generation engineering on one side and second generation engineering on the other. If he sticks with engineering that is. By the way my feeling is that chemistry is much more difficult than engineering. I would like it if we could meet sometime.
Bill We went to orientation this past weekend (junior college transfers) and enjoyed the University. The only awkward moment was when my wife and I were on a guided tour of the campus and ended up at the swamp with our group. The "very cheerful" guide ended the tour with a practice session on teaching the parents how to do the gator chomp. I was the only non-practicing attendee that got a few strange looks because I could not bring myself to doing such an act. Something's change and others never will... My wife on the other hand did it quite well and said they already have our son and our money I might as well give it a shot.... While we were there we decided to finish our search for off campus living and visited a dozen apartment communities, finally signing a contract on one. After returning home my wife continued researching the apartment complex my son will be living at for the next two years and found this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GoSSLi4UbE She was shocked :shock: , my son on the other hand said his new digs were shaping up quite nicely....I am pissed because I can't go.... 8)
Ah to be young again. That was the apartment where you son will be living? It seemed to be filmed by some guy with a FSU handle.
Well outside of the you tube discovery we thought we made the best choice...We even checked with the police records for the complex and it passed with high marks. In all fairness according to my (very informed) son this was some kind of sponsored party that only happened one time and never happened again.....We'll see...