:lol: wishing all my skybox family a peaceful joyful and prosperous new year.... Heres wishes and many hugs to you all..... since after Disneyland I will never see midnight
I hit a wall shortly after our return home and took an old man nap for a few hours. Just woke up to see this topic about 4 hours early in the Central Time zone. Happy New Year to all. May it be a much more prosperous year for all.
A very happy and prosperous New Year to all my skybox family. The fire crackers will begin here in five hours.
Happy New Year! It's midnight here in SoCal. I can hear sirens and gun fire outside...loud explosions...automatic gun fire...a rocket just went off with a swooooosh!
We can't all have winning seasons...but if we keep things in perspective we can all have winning years... Happy New Year to all!