Today would have been his 99th.....not a surprise that Woody, he of the sweet and gentle soul, was born on Valentines Day! :lol:
8) Somewhere......out there......beyond the Pearly Gates... Some rosy-cheeked cherub just got a size 12 boot in the arse for not flying fast enough...
:lol: JO'Co, that is for certain. An icon from a different era for sure.....I often wonder how those guys would fare in todays game with todays kids, parents and media? Don, I hear that...the image of Woody and a heart-shaped box of chocolates just doesn't register....I had the chance to meet Ann Hayes on several occasions, obviously had to be a saint of a woman and wonder how she fared on Valentines Day??! One of her famous lines about the Coach was, "Divorce Woody? Never! But there were plenty of times I wanted to murder him!" God bless them both....