Busy Atlantic storm season....here come three in a row. :shock: :shock: Hannah is targeting us for a direct hit....fortunately she is not anticipated to be more than a Cat 1. She should arrive sometime Saturday morning ....just in time to knock the power out for the noon kickoff of the Beanie-less Buckeyes! Ain't that just great....! Hopefully she shouldn't be that big a deal.....let's keep our fingers crossed. Ike - now he is a different matter entirely. Already a Cat 4, he is gonna be one nasty SOB.....currently heading on the same Carib track as Hannah, let's hope he changes course and steers harmlessly out to sea......schools have already been cancelled for tomorrow. Much work to do - keep us in your thoughts.
It has a lot of possibilites a couple sending it into the Gulf. Like you I hope it just blows it self out in the North Atlantic.
Hang in there, Terry. I've left a lot of golf balls down in Myrtle over the years... if the wind picks them up and takes them north... duck! Hannah is passing us here at the Jersey shore out to sea supposedly. saturday is supposed to be windy and rainy here. Ike is a different story. Right now it is a much bigger storm and vectored right at Fort Lauderdale. The hope is that it will turn north beforehand but if it turns late my place in Hobe Sound may come into play. So batten down the hatches and good luck to you in Wilmington. Check in when it blows through.
Re: Hannah Outer bands are just beginning to appear.....she's not going to be a big deal, not expected to intensify beyond a tropical storm, but still lots of wind and lots of rain. We're pretty much buttoned down waiting on her arrival. Shouldn't be anything to be overly concerned about, but it makes for good practice.....I just hope she doesn't knock the power or cable signal out!!! Ike, looks to be taking a more southerly track.....through the straits and potentially into the Gulf....
My sister-in-law lives in Holden Beach, NC. She sent us an e-mail saying they didn't expect Hanna to be very bad. They were going to stay on the island for this one.
....all's well. No big thing - didn't lose power. A lotta wind, a little rain and a decent sized mess to clean up but she's gone. Headin' your way Krebise and Jiffy....
The great New England Hurricaine of 1938 ( google it) gave us no warning. I lived through it. These 40mph/rain storms are really played up by the media. Markets are jammed today. Milk, bread, toilet paper! Supposed to start about 4 pm and be otta here after midnite. Pats will be playing tomorrow in 80 degree weather!
Beautiful Sunday morning here. About 5" of rain yesterday ands winds up to 50MPH. Blew outta here last evening around 9P. NO damage that I'm aware of. JIF?
40 mph and heavy rain from 8pm to 2am. branches and twigs down. Great day today for the opener at THE BLADE!!
TOK, here comes Ike comin right at ya....expected to strengthen to a Cat 3 before landfall. Stay safe and make sure you have mucho provisions...
Mucho provisions...beer, water, beef jerky, adequate supply of Little Debbies pastires (those things will out last a cockroach), Jamesons, did I leave anything out? Battening down the hatches boys!! Say a prayer for me. Terry
Sounds like you got everything covered! :lol: Hunker down, stay safe TOK and give us a shout when he clears out.
Terry, Many headed toward us here in Austin. You always have a gest room available if you feel the need.
Thanks Tom, you'll probably have a pretty wet weekend as well just not the winds. I see they have canceled the Texas/Ark game.