I like the gist of what Jim Jubak is saying here because he doesn't have his head up his ass about politicizing the state of our nation when it comes to the unemployment issue we face. http://money.msn.com/investing/simple-ways-to-attack-unemployment-jubak.aspx?GT1=33002 He also is willing to acknowledge the uniqueness of the "Great Recession" that has set us back so severely and that is also my favorite way to describe what has transpired. As he says......this wasn't just a normal cyclical downturn and it will take unusual measures and cooperation to resolve it. Blood lust for the chair in oval office isn't going to get a damned thing accomplished.
That works both ways Bill for certain and that seems to be the root cause of all of the division we are experiencing in Congress rather than problem resolution and it has been on the increase it seems.
The division boils down to one major difference: Democrats want to anchor their future in buying the votes of the poor by giving away the country. Republicans want to not give away the country. Until that difference goes away, how will there be any agreements in congress?