Gregg withdraws from consideration for Commerce post

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by BuckeyeT, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    The first 100 days is beginning to look like a still birth....and that is not good for any of us. Another bad pitch.....right now, it's all about confidence and for many, confidence is eroding in a big way....I don't think he's going to get a xmas card from Rahm.
  2. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Well he hasn't created any jobs yet but some old woman in Fr. Meyers got a house to live in with a bathroom and kitchen.
    It's obvious that Gregg didn't want any part of an administration that is hell bent in pissing away billions of dollars to fight STDs, and help the harvest mouse and Phillipino verterans. As the article mentions the Dems plan to gerrymander all over the place in the next census. We've seen all sorts of bogus votes show up for Al Frankin, we've seen thousands of phoney "registered" voters show up compliments of ACORN and now the gerrymandering. They are hypocritical, dishonest, liars who are going to turn off the middle voters who got Obama elected.
    The price of oil keeps going down but the price of gas is going up? Why? Well we could blame Bush, in fact, what other explaination could there be?
  3. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Obama has definitely hit the ground staggering. But what could we expect from a man with no executive experience and very few contacts in high places.
  4. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Re Gerrmandering:

    Guys, I am sure you are tired of me saying this sh*t but i sincerely hope you're all listening.

    I've mentioned this before here I am sure... but starting with the election of Bill Clinton up to the running out of Pete Wilson to be replaced by Gray Davis in the 90s, we saw the Dems in California begin a policy of gerrymandering that totally flipped the Demographic of the state of California.

    I remember calls that went all the way to the White House to look into voter registration fraud.

    I remember B1 Bob Dornan being turned from a respected, yet a bit goofy, political representative into a 'raving lunatic racist' in the span of about 4 years. A decorated war hero reduced to punchline of the politically correct. I have never been able to get people to see, and neither has Bob Dornan, that there was wide spread cheating that went on there.

    The investigations FINALLY admitted that there were hundreds of illegals voting (something around 600 or 700 votes officially found) but since he lost a close election by like 900 it didn't matter...

    Dornan, and others including myself, have long held that there were a lot more than the 600 to 700 'officially' cited... and the fact that widespread voter fraud campaigns were uncovered should have been enough to get Loretta Sanchez bounced... or at least have another election with proper monitoring. However, they said that the fact the amount of 'proven' illegal ballots was not enough to overturn the result, she kept her seat.

    She's been there every since. The voter fraud has grown and grown in that region. Her smashing win over Dornan 4 years later is seen as a vindication for previous wrong doings.

    She ran as a 'moderate democrat' but has turned into anything but... She is one of Feinstein's girls in the CA power structure and she's going to be around for a long, long time. I'd look for her to replace Boxer when she steps down..

    I remember taking a ton of sh*t from someone, maybe Tod Jeffers??, back in the day over this subject. My fears of the California Democrats becoming the power structure of the national party has been a fear of mine for a long time. Now I get to sit here, and sadly, watch them do it all over again.
  5. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    When Waxman took the chairmanship from Dingell it signaled the California takeover in congress.s They are controlling auto emissions, offshore drilling and the habitat of the harvest mouse. I'm glad that I'm not going to be paying taxes for the many years it will take to service this boondoggle. Let the delusional Obamamaniacs pay out the nose for this. They earned it.