Interesting article, the top grade of course goes to Texas A & M to the SEC. Then Mizzou to the SEC is one of the lowest grades. Grading Conference Realignment
A fun article (of course I'd like it!) but it needs one small correction. Wrong. Both the Chancellor and President of A&M went on record when they were announcing the move that we would play Texas ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. The only reason this game isn't happening is Deloss Dodd's butt-hurt.
I think ND deserves an A myself. We got an upgrade in all sports across the board, access to better bowl package, access to the entire east coast from a recruiting standpoint, schools fit our culture (academics, size, etc). And we got to stay a football independent. It was a homerun. I thought it funny that in the blurb on the Aggies they said that the Longhorns have the quietest 100k of fans in America. That's what some ND fans complain about, we're too quiet, who knew Longhorn fans were quiet as well...other than me of course. I also had to chuckle at the observation that it would be perfect if Neb could play OU in non-conference every year....wondering why Neb wouldn't rather come to Austin every other year and try to establish a place in Texas hs recruiting...I think I know why, something about only beating us 1 time in B12 play.
This is really sort of true. Even though Scott does not have a buzz cut, both my nephews who went to A&M did/do sport buzz cuts!
As a diehard Gator and SEC fan I agree that the Aggies were a home run. As to Missouri I think that their entry was much better than a C. They are a good fit also especially in Basketball.
good article. Still, I think there's a rush to quantify things that just can't be proven one way or the other. The biggest thing to me is that it appears everyone seems to be happy with their moves and that's what is important.
To add on to Corey's comment... It looks like things are STABLE for a little while as well. Giving up TV rights will lock things down. Terry... That is FUNNY!
re Texas and Texas A&M guys being nice. Bill, I hate some of the things that expansion has brought to the table but I think it's for the best if that's what all active parties want. Sportswriters will fuss, but that's their job anyway.