To put things in perspective, every single month the federal government spends approx $1 thousand dollars over and above what it takes in for every man, woman and child in the country and has to borrow a like amount from willing investors to fund its operations.....and the biggest budget expenditures - entitlements - are growing much more rapidly than all the rest.....can the term "unsustainable" get any more obvious and yet the President's budget was silent on entitlements and Congress can't find their way to address more than a mere fraction of the shortfall.....
One of the biggest issues I have with his presidency to date is the complete lack of leadership exhibited thus far.....during the credit crisis he outsourced the "stimulus" package to Pelosi and her ilk and ended up with one of the greatest budget debacles in our nation's history....not stimulus, but pork-filled bloating of every federal agency created.... Facing massive, record-setting structural deficits unsustainable by any measure, he formed a bi-partisan deficit reduction commission to develop recommendations to reduce the deficit......they did their work, developed their conclusions and delivered their report at the request of the President. His budget sent to Congress addressed none of it.......he punted, on first down. Terrible, terrible a time when courageous leadership is vital to advancing the ball....
He's a rank amateur. He had not one thing to recommend him to this office. He was a media creation of cartoonish magnitude. Besides the usual cheerleading of the entertainment industry, he benefitted from the entire mainstream media dropping all pretense of impartiality and openly cheering him on. Now we all know the truth. This is easily the worst president in the history of our country.
George, I respectfully disagree. Until interest rates hit double digits, the prime rate gets up to the 20s, and we become a wimp country with our hostages held overseas, Jimmy Carter holds that title.
re: worst presidents - Franklin Pierce - James Buchanan - Jimmy Carter Others receiving votes: U.S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, Martin Van Buren, Millard Filmore It's difficult to judge a president in mid-term, but Obama definitely needs to hustle if he wants to avoid the first category which is the recognized bottom of the barrel... :idea: