I'm not typing on it right now and really think that is an area that won't be as fast. But so far I love the thing. Does any one have one and have some recommendations for apps, sports or otherwise?
I've got one of the first generation ones. Really like it. Here are a few apps I use. 1. Weather Channel. Free and comes in handy some times. 2 Flixster. Great for finding movie and show times in whatever area you are. Free. 3. Free wi-fi. I use this because I don't have the 4 g connect. 4. Kindle. I've downloaded some books at Amazon. Free 5. AroundMe. Free. Use it to find ATMS, places to eat, gas stations etc. 6. USA Today. Free. Pretty self explainatory. 7. Dropbox. Free. This is really neat. You can put files on your home PC into it and you have them on your Ipad. I put things like my "contacts" file into it and some photos I like. The possibilities are endless. If you come across some interesting apps let us know.
Sid, as I use it more I will let everyone know how I like it. I got the 3g model which I won't use all the time but do expect to use on the road later this month when we head to Maine for a month. Gipper, I've already downloaded several of those but will take a look at the ones you mentioned that I have not down loaded. Thanks.
Make sure you download and try our Gator Country iPad app for our forums. Search for it under Swamp Gas or GatorCountry.com. Enjoy! Ray
Hey Bill how are you doing with the ipad2? Since you had a MacBook before, why did you decide to get an ipad instead of a small laptop? I have heard many positive things about ipads though, but also that you wouldn't want to do too much typing on them. Also you can't have flash so a lot of sites are out with regard to video.
If you are doing a large amount of typing you can get a bluetooth keyboard that works just fine. I occasionally use it to summarize testimony during depositions.
Terry and gipper. The Apple I have now for my computer is a laptop, an MacBook. However the iPad2 is smaller, and runs applications that I don't get on my computer. So far I love it. Gip, I am thinking about the keyboard. Only drawback is it takes away from the convenience of having it in my lap. So far I am using both. I am on the MacBook right now. I have to say I love it so far. Oh, I got signed up for the 3g connection which I can do one month at a time. I think we will use it while on the road next Wed, Thur and Fri. GB
Say hello to my little friend... My iPad. Got it for long international flights and boy has it been used lately.
I used Tom's IPad on our Christmas trip to find places we wanted to stop and things we wanted to do while Tom drove. It was awesome.
I don't own one but I'm not sure I understand why you would want an iPad instead of a laptop? What is it about the iPad?
Doc I take it with me on the road. It's thin and easy to carry. I keep my Itunes music in it and it doubles as my Ipod. I download books through my Kindell app so it's also my reader. In the morning I just hit my USA Today app and I'm reading the paper. I've used my Netflix app and streamed a movie while on a flight from Detroit to Phoenix. Using a bluetooth keyboard I used it to summarize testimony during depositions. That's some of what I do with my Ipad.
I activated the 3G Tuesday and we will use it on the three days we will be driving to Maine come Wednesday. Like gipper said, it is light, much lighter than my laptop. The applications you can put on it such as a Kindle reader, I Book and the Barnes and Noble reader allow me to download books. I have downloaded mostly free ones at this point. All I can say is that at this point I really like it and use it even when my laptop is right here beside me.