If it turns out that Chizik is one of these guys hiding dirty recruiting behind Jesus... well, I don't have the words. As a great many things in recruiting, just file this away for now, it may become something.. it may not, but it's there. (also, before discounting the blogspot blog, please note that the author cited his sources. you can find the backing for his claims in the articles linked below his piece) http://bluetunatides.blogspot.com/2011/01/god-not-be-mocked.html and also this http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefoo...-Reed-Thibodaux-LSU-Tigers-Sean-Nelson-010811
Given the no love lost feelings between Alabama and Auburn, what are the chances that a 'Bama fan/booster/whatever gives Chizik up if he's dirty?
Hey Terry, what are the chances that a Texas fan or a Notre Dame fan or a Florida fan or an Ohio State fan or a Texas A&M fan would give him up if he's dirty? Now granted the Alabama fan would enjoy it more but I think most any college football fan would "give up" anyone that offered a substantial amount of money to a kid to come to his school. Don't you think? If you knew about it, would you give him up?
I don't know know kp, I'd be a little worried about my Auburn neighbor who I think drinks a little too much and is armed. :roll: Reprisals I dont' need!
you guys are funny. file this stuff away btw, I have a feeling you may be hearing more about this subject and not just at Auburn.
The Auburn fans have been citing that God is on their side and they are doing all of this "the right way" all year. This doesn't surprise me. It's always like this after they win, oh and Alabama always cheats when they lose. UGH! :roll:
First time I have read these two articles but I have been reading some others for the last few weeks about Auburn. Hope they are not true. By the way I think Lowder is in trouble with more than the football program. Wasn't his bank closed?
Bill, Yeah but this is southern politics/money. It's the same old poker game. It doesn't matter how you shuffle the deck, who gets what cards or how many chips are on the table.. the chips are all going to the same group of people sitting at the table. The reason I say to watch this... There are some very angry CFA members out there (Christian Fellowship of Athletes) who believe their organization has been bastardized by several programs out there. This is a dicey situation. It's so protected, as it should be, but at the same time.. it's starting to become more and more clear that this is going on thru this group. How would people feel about Notre Dame using the Catholic Church to funnel money to players? Come to think of it.. why didn't we think of it?
Corey, I am not sure what you are talking about with the FCA or other stuff. You leave it kind of vague so I don't know what to say. I have heard about Lowder at Auburn for years as far as really running the Auburn football program. What it all means I don't know.
God gave him a vision!! When he starts talking about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor we'll send some body for him!