Please don't lose this week. The consensus of Gators fans wish list, in no particular order except for the first one. Chip Kelly Rich Rod Hugh Freeze Bob Stoops Interesting huh? This is pretty much what the Gators have to talk about the rest of the season.
what about Petrino? Serious question although not a serious recommendation. You've got way too many attractive coeds for that dude to be turned loose.
I wouldn't be surprised if Foley didn't talk to Stoops. He seems to be going nowhere at Ok even though his teams are generally pretty good.
Corey, I do not think Petrino gets considered. Doesn't he have a contract with Louisville that could cost him dearly if he left? Seems to me I remember that in return for them giving him a second chance and his old job back there were some agreements on his part. Regardless where it comes to the Gators I believe it's a moot point, he won't get considered. Terry, yes I think the obligatory runs at Stoops and Gruden. However likely not until the run at Kelly. There are some rumblings that both Kelly and Harbourgh (spelling) want out of the pros and back to college. I'm sticking with Rich Rod as a real possibility and I think he gets a pass on what happened at Michigan. That's not throwing stones just sometimes things are not the right fit.
Bill, I think Rich Rod may be a problem waiting to resurface. His time at WVU was very questionable. Florida may want to be very careful.
And to sort of echo what KP was referencing... I'm not sure Foley gets another chance at a loser, or even a mediocre hire. The Gators fan base is not exactly the most patient thing in the world. With that in mind, guys like DickRod and Petrino may poise a problem. RR is laying low at Arizona and having fun. He may not even want to leave that situation. They learned their lesson tossing a good coach, so they'll hold onto RR for a long time. Petrino burns rubber on the road and with the staff, so he is a bit of a time bomb. That leaves, who else? I know Stoops has become the en vogue choice for each new major coaching hire, but you've also got a guy who has it all at Oklahoma AND he's spent the last 2 years telling everyone that the SEC is overrated. That would put him in a hell of a pinch. He'd win there to be sure, but I don't think he'd escape that situation. That's what really hangs me up... WHO? Who would it be?
Stoops can probably win enough in the Big 12 to keep his job forever. There's a chance his Florida teams might not do so well in the currently brutal competitive level of the SEC and he might last only 3-4 years at UF. It's a question every candidate would have to ask himself..... .... except a coach already in the SEC..... like Spurrier or Mullen.