This is popping up all over Los Angeles, which is interesting since they played a big part in electing him.
While I don't like Obama, I hate that photo. To me it smacks of an adaptation of the old Black Face image which is very racist IMHO. I hope this country see's Obama for what he is, a socialist and an incompetent one at that, but I don't want to see him attacked in anything that could be construed as racial.
I see that most see it as a Heath Ledger/Joker image of Obama. I still see it as a modern Black Face image. I still hate it.
Am I the only one here who truly understands the nature of the Joker? Jesus H do I miss JOCO on these boards sometimes. That being said... that only allows you to hold that meaning if you give it that and allow others to do so... That's as crazy as saying 'We want to toss Obama out into left field where he came from" only to have someone then take it to the next step and say.. "why, so he can pick Cotton in that field?" Or the Whoopi Goldberg asking John McCain if he wants her to return to slavery because he is a (alleged) Constitutionalist. There's nothing even remotely racist about that picture. It takes racist people to add something to an image, statement, work that clearly was not there before. I hope that in my lifetime, if not at least my son's lifetime, we will see an end to PC... we will see an end to the fear of the charge of racism especially when it is ludicrous. (disclaimer, below does not apply to anyone on this board so do not read it that way) I've spent my life being lectured by Baby Boomer liberals about Civil rights, racial inequity and how different people need different rules to over come... but God help them if that same black man they want to help comes home with their daughter.. that's a whole different story. The hypocrisy is, and always has, been glaring. Becoming a parent was one of the true eye opening experiences for me as a human being on multiple levels.. One of which was my perception of race. Children have no concept of 'racial division' aside from what they are taught. I noticed that my son played with black children, hispanic and asian children.. there differences were no more important than the color of their hair or eyes. It didn't matter. We are only divided so far as we allow ourselves to be. I'm as intolerant of race baiters as I am racists. They are both equally bad and do nothing but cause harm.
That is Heath Ledger as "The Joker". As in "the joke's on you". You may notice a strong resemblance to the Obama poster. There is nothing racial about it. Man you guys pulled that one out of your respective hats.
I'll concede then that it's not racist, but it is offensive to characterize the President of the United States that way.
Again, I agree with Terry. At the very least, it's offensive and disrespectful. It has nothing to do with political views and everything to do with a sense of basic respect for the office of the president. As much as I would not have been surprised to see the fringe left having portrayed Bush this way, so also am I not surprised to see the fringe right doing the same thing to Obama.
Bush was portrayed in a much, much, much worse manner than this.... and that was all before 9/11. After 9/11, it got worse. Lampooning the American President is as American, if not more so, than apple pie the New York Yankees and the silicone boob. This guy is already a china doll on so many issues because of his race, no way he can escape this. To do so would be one of the most racist treatments I could imagine. Seriously, is the POTUS incapable of being lampooned just as every President that went before him was? If not, why not? It ain't due to him being 'from Hawaii'.....
It's an American tradition that goes all the way back to the first President. Not a single one of them has ever been above it... but this one... well, it appears this one's in a bubble and THAT is racist... even if people don't realize it. Rick, LOL