Did anybody see this? Probably not..... I have no doubt that if the prior administration had published an agency notice raising the prospect of violence and insurrection from left wing radical groups, the networks and the editorial pages of the Times, etc would have been up in arms charging him with "profiling" and targeting and intimidating the political opposition. Not too much about threats from the "right" and returning vets. Curious?
What an offensive load of crap...I notice nobody is taking credit for authoring the report. This has got to be incredibly offensive to anybody who has served in the military. Are you kidding me?...White Supremacists and Right Wing Extremists that concern us are: 1. Our returning military veterans. 2. Those of us who reject federal authority in terms of state and local rights. 3. Those of us who have applied for Concealed Carry Licenses. 4. Those of us who have stocked up a bit on ammunition because it is hard to find right now. What moron with what agenda wrote this piece of garbage?
Oklahoma City Fed bombing and the thumb of Michigan comes to mind when I read this report. These guys are crazy mofos with indefensible actions and philosophies. Paranoid militaristic types don't sit too well with many.
How about the crazy mofos that founded a group that went on a rampage to bomb the NYC police HQ, the Pentagon, the Capitol Building to name but a few. Indefensible to be sure - unless you're a left wing radical. How about being politcal allies and indeed sponsored and funded in part by the man who led such a group? The only thing missing now is the White House photo op. Where was the outrage during the campaign? What was your perception of how the media portrayed candidate Obama and the founder of the Weathermen? Do you think the treatment of Bush would have been similar if he worked or associated with Timothy McVeigh or his ilk? Obama's Homeland Security Dept is profiling and targeting "right wing radical" appears that candidate Obama had no problem associating with known radical leftists - why no outrage from our friends in the media?
Time to wake up, America! If the citizens don't take the administration and the Congress to task over slowly but steadily taking away the rights we hold dear, this is only the beginning. I can't believe they would have the audacity to point out those that support state rights. Are you serious?? One major problem I had with the way Bush ran this country was that government grew under his watch. I fear that by the time Obama's done, we'll wish all we have to worry about is the Patriot Act. This stuff is scary and MCG, you need to open your eyes a little. Talk about Obama vision...
Man...where are you getting all this stuff BT? You really think Obama was in tight with these guys you describe? Plotting....planning...sharing the same philosophies? Give me a break.. I'm not buying that far right-wing blogospheric dribble.
It is no secret that Obama worked with Bill is no secret that Bill Ayres hosted fund raisers for is no secret that Bill Ayres was the founder and leader of the is no secret that the Weathermen bombed the NYC Police HQ, the Pentagon and the US Capitol. Those are not secrets, they are documented facts. Let me repeat my question. Do you think the treatment of Bush would have been similar if he worked or associated with Timothy McVeigh or his ilk? Of course not.....why is that? There is nothing to is what it is and it is undeniable.
Has anyone actually read that pdf file? The timing of it to coincide with the tea parties is pretty obvious. But seriously, I challenge you.. Go to the article and click the pdf file.. Read it... and read what constitutes 'extremist activity' Basically they are making the comparison to the 1990s saying that the economy is similar and we will see a rise in 'white' terrorists as a result. Basically the entire document is one big 'watch out for former military, watch out for whitey, we don't need another Timothy McVeigh' And all the while blaming white ignorance as well as economic factors for these actions, it totally ignores the fact that the barbaric invasion of the compound that jackass held in WACO was actually the trigger that set them off...and WACO was but one of many 'police state' actions that clearly crossed the line during that same time frame. Jesus H Christ, we are a stupid people....
Speaking of the tea parties did anyone notice the professional converage of these events. Take this CNN reporter Now thousands of Americans voicing their objections to taxes and federal bailouts might not be as newsworthy as say Cindy Sheehan stalking president Bush, still, the left that only a couple of years ago was championing dissent as being patriotic is now opposed to any demonstrations questioning the policies of the "great one." I see the same frustration many felt during the inept, weak Carter administration as Iranian thugs held our embassy staff hostage. The next Republican president won't be a feax conservative like Bush 1 or 2. The pendulum will swing far right.
Gip, Please do see the picture I posted in the other section On twitter earlier today, I had to call out our local NBC affiliate who spent the day running updated news stories on pot busts and illegal coin slinging machines (I don't know what they are either)... Meanwhile, just a mile down the road from their station, we had 3,000 people in Huntsville protesting. They claimed they 'covered' the story by sending a camera and some low-level intern reporter to cover it..and running an early morning story 'announcing' (they were the last to mention it) the event in Huntsville. Today, we had just over 300 people on the courthouse steps here in Florence, AL. Now for those of you who know your Alabama, you'd know how earth shattering that is. This is the home of Dixiecrats, the last bastion of 'old white southerners' who still hold power in large number. They, historically, vote party ticket against Republicans. And yes, this is serious Obama country... For their to be that many people here, should be newsworthy This article covering the event for our local newspaper, is buried in the local section.. We had (according to the article) 350 people on the court steps and it's buried in the middle of the paper. If people don't see the hypocrisy of how this is covered, I'm not sure they'll ever see.
It's absolutely amazing to me that this guy hasn't been in office even two months and 1/3 of the country is so bitter about his election they haven't given him a chance and refuse to. If you don't think this attitude will swing back the other way should the GOP return in 4 or 8 years then you are kidding yourselves. If this country remains this bitterly divided we are in trouble. On the other hand the other 2/3 are positive thinkers willing to give him a chance. It's the 1/3 in the middle between the polarized thirds that is the real future of this nation.
Olbermann (MSNBC) aan Cooper(CNN) were apoplectic about the tea parties. Cooper seemed offended to even have to mention them and Olbermann almost threw himself into cardiac arrythmia he was so hysterical in his derision of the protestors. Both gave credit to FOX for being the catalyst, heaping yet another insult toward the ability of the American taxpayer to sniff out a tax grab when they see one. Both referred to the protestors as "teabaggers", a practice that Im certain Olbermann is familar with from his days as a waterboy for Chris Berman at ESPN. Anyone who does not think the press is in the pocket of the liberal factions and the Democratic party after watching the "reporting" yesterday is delusional or stupid. No wonder FOX kicks their ass six ways from Sunday every month.
I heard that as well Krebsie and broke up. I had to explain the concept to my wife who flatly refused to believe that I was telling her the truth. Probably a good thing.... :lol:
As opposed to what? Trying to steal the election? Denying his legitimacy? I'm treating thier president the way they treated mine. Eat it.
No wonder Olbermann and "PooperS" Cooper were so upset..... :lol: FOX RATINGS SURGE ON PROTEST COVERAGE 8-11 PM ET FOXNEWS 3,390,000 MSNBC 1,210,000 CNN 1,070,000 CNN HEADLINE 909,000
Clinton never did. Oh and W did win the popular vote his second term and it made absolutely no difference to the left. You have to go back to 1876 to find an election as skinny as W won in 2000. He won two elections by a combined 2,500,000 popular votes and he lost the 2000 election in popular votes. Clinton handily won both of his elections as did Obama. How you fail to remember W in the proper context of his initial close election win definitely colors your skewed view on this.