Exactly who owes who?

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by IrishCorey, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    A lot was made over the GOP's alleged ties to places like Goldman Sachs, Citi and other banking institutions this past election cycle.

    To outright dismiss that notion, I found a nifty little set of numbers that can be found here.

    You'll notice that, over the past 10 years, the names like Citi (50-49% in favor of the Dems) and Goldman Sachs (63-35% in favor of the Dems).

    If you look at that list of top contributors, there is a whole sh*t ton of donkeys on that list. Even more telling is that many of the givers that lead for the GOP lead slightly, whereas the top Dem givers donate 98% of their money to the Dems..

    What launched this little investigation by me was this report that Microsoft's cofounder will save up to a Billion dollars with Obama's new stimulus plan.... That reminded me that this past election, Microsoft had clearly switched over their donations from a Republican lead in 00 and 02 to a Dem lead in 04, and especially 08.. Those records here.

    Nothing too earth shattering, this is how are system works.. but it certainly blows up a lot of notions and myths that have been reported about certain groups being beholden to others while it firmly shows the Dems owe a whole lot to very special interest groups..