ESPN has an internet poll for "Which Team is most likely to capture the 2006 college football national championship" There are 4 contenders: ND OSU UTX USC You can vote (no driver's license or green card required) at The votes by % can be viewed at When you get there click "Check Map" and you can view the demographics without having to listen to a Dan Rather exit poll report. With 102,000+ votes tallied UTX carries TX USC carries CA ND covers New England and NY and NJ in a sea of blue. Grabs homestate IN, and in Dixie takes MS (yes, Mississippi???), in the Southwest, New Mexico (they must like the leprechuan), and that Northwest bastion of Catholicism Idaho, Montana, wyoming, and S. Dakota. N.Dakota apparently didn't vote for anybody due to apathy or lack of internet connections. OSU carries the rest of the nation with a mandate. Robert Kennedy Jr is demanding a recount in OH claiming Bush and Tressel stole another election