I'm very worried that he will come close but not get the critical states that he needs. Esp Fla and Ohio, with out those two he'll need some sort of miracle sweep of a lot of states that are in the "contested" column. I'm really surprised thought that Obama is doing so well in Fla, I really thought Fla was basically a republican state.
Terry, the general consensus now seems to be that Romney is winning in Florida. Virginia is much closer and Ohio seems to be narrowing. I hope it narrows enough by election day. Florida is basically Republican but can go Democratic for President and Senators. It's been awhile since they have had a Democratic Governor but Charlie Crist who was a Republican and Governor before he discovered he couldn't win the Senate seat as a Republican, then tried as a independent and was a speaker at the Democratic convention. A lot of people feel he could run for Governor as a Democrat. If so he could win but would face a Republican House and Senate.
I heard something the other night after the debate from a noted NBC reporter that mystified me. He strongly suggested that the hispanic voters in Nevada could tip that state to Obama.I'm aware that there is a huge Mormon population in Nevada. I question that the hispanic voters there could outnumber the Mormons
True Tom, but Hispanics typically go for the democrats and I don't see that changing in this or any other election in the future. Democrats have staked out the minority territory and bribed them with all sorts of entitlements. Also in Nevada there are a lot of unions that service the Casino's. and they are solid democrat.
I've always been under the impression that most Catholic households are Democrat.. In fact, I don't know many that aren't. There's been a shift here since 9/11 but even then, a lot of them are going back to Democrat. That isn't to say they won't go GOP in the presidential, but everything else, they are DNC. I've long held that the Evangelicals keep the GOP from gaining solidly into Jewish and Catholic households. There are a lot of historical legacies in America. Some are valid, some are out-dated... but they are still there.
:idea: I live and work in a majority Hispanic area and every day I have Mexicans telling me that Romney will order a general roundup of Mexicans and deport them all back to Mexico. When I try to explain that they've been lied to and that Romney's father was born in Mexico they simply don't believe me. Somebody has done a great job of fear mongering in the Spanish speaking areas and they did it in Spanish. This is the fault of the Republican Party which wasn't ready for that kind of attack. I don't know who's going to win, but here are some interesting developments: - Romney has been pulling away in the polls since the first debate and is now winning the popular vote by 4%-7%. - Romney is now winning in all battleground states except Minnesota. - No Republican has ever won the White House without winning Ohio. - Romney is up in Ohio 45%-44%. - Obama has pulled his advertising in Colorado and North Carolina. - Romney has spent almost zero in Pennsylvania, but four different polls have Romney winning by 3%-4% there. The Democrats always win PA with a strong Union ground game, but they're having trouble keeping their members in line. Almost half are for Romney. - If Romney wins PA it's over. He needs to win two of these states: Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Indiana. I believe that he will win all of them except Iowa. - Las Vegas odds-makers have been predicting a Romney landslide for months now and they just doubled down on that prediction. IMHO- If there is no "October surprise" and that's a big "if" I think Las Vegas is right. If all these numbers hold, the final result should be somewhere between Krebs 290 Electoral votes and Las Vegas 320. The biggest landslide against a sitting president since Jimmy Carter.
I find it hard to understand how practicing Catholics can embrace candidates that are pro choice. Then again I was dismayed when ND gave an honorary degree to Obama. Of course now they're suing him because of the health care bill. What do thay say about laying down with dogs?
Gip I think JO'Co is right, Hispanics have bought into the whole he's a big rich fat cat who doesn't give a spit about us and will doe everything to make our lives worse spin that the democrats have been putting on Mitt. I don't think they even give a thought to whether or not Obama is going to do his best to force the Catholic Church to pay in one way or another for birth control and abortion.
Huge: Gallup Predicts Massive GOP Turnout… So all those D+8, D+9 etc. ******** polls are just that, ********. Via Breitbart: This morning, Gallup released a bombshell survey of likely voters this November. It wasn’t a horse race poll, i.e. which candidate is ahead, but rather a look at the underlying demographics that will make up the electorate this November. They slap the survey with a very misleading headline, “2012 U.S. Electorate Looks Like 2008.” While this is true in many respects, it obscures one very big difference. For the first time in a presidential election, more Republicans will vote than Democrats. In 2008, 54% of likely voters identified as Democrat or lean Democrat. 42% of likely voters identified as GOP or lean GOP. In other words, the electorate, including independents who lean towards a particular party, was D+12. This year, however, the Democrat advantage has disappeared. 49% of likely voters today identify as GOP or lean GOP. Just 46% of likely voters are or lean towards the Democrats. This is a 15-point swing towards the GOP from 2008 to an outright +3 advantage for the GOP. By comparison, in 2004, when Bush won reelection, the electorate was evenly split, with each party getting support from 48% of likely voters. If these numbers are within even a few points of what this survey suggests, then Romney will win decisively and the GOP will pick up the Senate. We are likely standing on the edge of another GOP wave election.
Everyone I know that is going to vote for Romney can't wait to vote. The exception is those our age who got their absentee ballots a couple of weeks ago and already voted. Mary and I had our ballots back in the mail about an hour after they arrived. In '08 the anti-Bush movement and the "hope and change" crap motivated a lot of Obama voters. It's not there now. Meanwhile, 4 yrs. have exposed this fraud. Anti-Obama voters just can't wait to get rid of him. The turnout will determine this election. If a state is 50-50 in the polls Romney should win comfortably.
Sent mine in yesterday. It included votes for republicans, democrats, constitutionalists, libertarians, and independents. Basically, whichever platform that was for fiscal responsibility and NOT for social redistribution of what I HAVE EARNED.
Pro-Obama Ad Features Children Singing About How Horrible America Is For “Killing Polar Bears,” “Letting Sick People Just Die” And “Endless Wars”… <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/52195925" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe> If it wasn’t for the left we would never know how awful a country we live in. Via The Blaze: The ad agency behind the iconic “Got Milk?” ad campaign and some of the other most well-known advertisements in the country has a new message: re-elect President Barack Obama, or your children will live in an America where “sick people just die” and “oil fills the sea.” A two-minute black-and-white spot features a chorus of children — “the children of the future” — singing to their parents that “something happened to our country, and we’re kinda blaming you.” A few other choice lyrics: “The Earth is cracked, Big Bird is sacked and the atmosphere is frying.”