So it wasn't his fault that his doctors gave him all those prescriptions and never bothered to tell him not to mix them or if he did take a pain med with a muscle relaxant not to drive. :roll: :roll: :roll: But the bigger question is where was he headed all hopped up at 3 AM in the morning, Waffle House? :?
Since we are talking Golf, my Nephew Matt won the National Invitational Tournament played at the Country Club of Birmingham, it's a Mid Amateur event. Most of these Mid Am events other than that US Mid Am I've never really heard of, but this one has been played since 1898 He was the definition of steady, 69-69-69 and won by 4 strokes.
Hit it, find it, hit it again. Easy game. Right. Good shootin Matt. Gipper! Lol Words of wisdom: If you hook or slice, dont drive. TIGER: I couldnt have possibly screwed my career up more than I did this pass weekend. KATHY: Hold my Beer.....